Solve All Your Atlas Copco Epiroc Machinery Issues with CPMC China’s Comprehensive Range of Spare Parts. Chengdu Pudding Mechatronic Co. CPMC is China’s Main and reliable distribution network for Epiroc and genuine original parts. Let me show you, 5112287797 Genuine Atlas Copco Epiroc Spare Parts Catalog Update .
Atlas Copco Epiroc Spare Parts Catalog
Parts Number Parts Name Parts Name Parts Number
5112287797 液压泵 Hydraulic Pump 5112 2877 97
2695711156 轴承 BEARING 2695 7111 56
6060013156 支撑轴承 SUPPORT BEARING 6060 0131 56
9121652650 密封套件 SEAL KIT 9121 6526 50
3128325333 钻钢支架 DRILL STEEL SUPPORT 3128 3253 33
2657791030 软管液压系统 HOSE hydraulics 2657 7910 30
5112287903 阀 valve 5112 2879 03
5112287902 阀 valve 5112 2879 02
3217920394 控制面板 control panel 3217 9203 94
3217920311 AM-泵 AM-Pump 3217 9203 11
3217920327 轴承 bearing 3217 9203 27
9106107840 阀块 Valve block 9106 1078 40
5112287797 液压泵 Hydraulic pump 5112 2877 97
8231120286 止回阀 Check valve 8231 1202 86
8231120035 泄压阀 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 8231 1200 35
8231120367 平衡阀 Balancing valve 8231 1203 67
3128315144 双止回阀 Double check valve 3128 3151 44
3115212900 活塞 piston 3115 2129 00
3115505002 冲击活塞前导 Impact piston lead 3115 5050 02
3115168001 冲击活塞后导套 Impact piston rear guide sleeve 3115 1680 01
5112287901 阀 valve 5112 2879 01
3222331127 电磁阀线圈 Solenoid valve coil 3222 3311 27
6060002166 驱动器 ACTUATOR 6060 0021 66
6060002167 传动装置 Transmissions 6060 0021 67
3115600488 SC19旋转驱动衬套 SC19 rotary drive bushing 3115 6004 88
3115296801 SC19旋转驱动衬套 SC19 rotary drive bushing 3115 2968 01
3217920325 AM-滚筒BEA AM-Roller BEA 3217 9203 25
5112287842 滚子轴承 ROLLER BEARI 5112 2878 42
5112287843 滚子轴承 ROLLER BEARI 5112 2878 43
3115376800 充氮阀 Nitrogen-filled valve 3115 3768 00
1250025135 滚子轴承 ROLLER BEARI 1250 0251 35
3115097000 密封组件 Sealing components 3115 0970 00
3115115600 密封组件 Sealing components 3115 1156 00
9106063124 密封包 Seal the package 9106 0631 24
8231120698 密封包 Seal the package 8231 1206 98
3115936210 大修包 Overhaul kit 3115 9362 10
3115357200 隔板 clapboard 3115 3572 00
3115600553 标签集 LABEL SET 3115 6005 53
3115936200 密封套件 SEAL KIT 3115 9362 00
3115936201 密封包 Seal the package 3115 9362 01
0653903800 垫圈 washer 0653 9038 00
0686420103 六角堵头 Hex plug 0686 4201 03
3115571901 垫片 0,10 Gasket 0,10 3115 5719 01
3115571902 垫片0,15 Gasket 0,15 3115 5719 02
3115571903 垫片0.50 Gasket 0.50 3115 5719 03
3115356800 ROT通道衬套 ROT CH BUSHING 3115 3568 00
3115356900 旋转卡盘衬套 ROTATION CHUCK BUSHING 3115 3569 00
3115551012 喷嘴 NOZZLE 3115 5510 12
3115500036 活塞环 PISTON RING 3115 5000 36
5530851900 螺栓 bolt 5530 8519 00
5540984000 AM-轮壳 AM-wheel shell 5540 9840 00
5541400600 垫片 gasket 5541 4006 00
0686423019 轮边加油螺丝 Wheel side refueling screws 0686 4230 19
5541121000 密封包 Seal the package 5541 1210 00
3128302561 衬套 Bushings 3128 3025 61
3128302553 衬套 Bushings 3128 3025 53
3128302550 衬套 Bushings 3128 3025 50
3128321985 活塞杆 Piston rod 3128 3219 85
9121667550 密封组件 Sealing components 9121 6675 50
3128209106 AM-螺帽包 AM-Nut Pack 3128 2091 06
3115182500 堵头 Plugs 3115 1825 00
0627510005 压力螺钉 Pressure screws 0627 5100 05
0627420006 螺丝 screw 0627 4200 06
3222316769 AM-滑块 AM-Slider 3222 3167 69
3128323005 摇篮 CRADLE 3128 3230 05
3128314012 支架组 Bracket set 3128 3140 12
3128314013 支架组 Bracket set 3128 3140 13
3128314096 支架组 Bracket set 3128 3140 96
3128314097 支架组 Bracket set 3128 3140 97
3128078437 支架 bracket 3128 0784 37
3128078418 剖面 section 3128 0784 18
3128078534 滑轮 pulley 3128 0785 34
3128078427 轴承 bearing 3128 0784 27
3128048100 轴 axis 3128 0481 00
0335115200 弹形挡圈 Spring-shaped retaining ring 0335 1152 00
3128047600 垫圈 washer 3128 0476 00
0108335900 电缆接头 Cable glands 0108 3359 00
3222310440 油嘴 glib 3222 3104 40
3222310454 延伸杆 Extension rod 3222 3104 54
0544216200 油嘴 glib 0544 2162 00
3128281121 油缸托架 CYLIND.BRACKET 3128 2811 21
3128318768 膨胀轴 Expansion shaft 3128 3187 68
3128306147 雨刮器 Wiper 3128 3061 47
3128303930 滑块 Slider 3128 3039 30
3128311674 滑块 Slider 3128 3116 74
3128307488 滑块 Slider 3128 3074 88
3128314257 气缸密封维修套件 Cylinder Seal Repair Kit 3128 3142 57
0581202512 AM-套筒 AM-sleeve 0581 2025 12
3128208800 喷射管口 Jet nozzle 3128 2088 00
3128078549 AM-左侧支架 AM-left bracket 3128 0785 49
3128078548 AM-右侧支架 AM-Right side bracket 3128 0785 48
3128061900 按钮 button 3128 0619 00
3128078610 支架 bracket 3128 0786 10
3128078611 支架 bracket 3128 0786 11
3128316895 ROPE TENSION ROPE TENSION 3128 3168 95
0147195829 螺栓 bolt 0147 1958 29
3128280924 膨胀轴 Expansion shaft 3128 2809 24
6060001338 密封套件 SEALKIT 6060 0013 38
3128280882 BRG. HSG. ASSY BRG. HSG. ASSY 3128 2808 82
3128280893 密封 seal 3128 2808 93
0147136703 六角螺栓 Hex bolts 0147 1367 03
3128280898 螺栓 Bolt 3128 2808 98
0291112828 自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts 0291 1128 28
3128280900 SEAL HOLDER SEAL HOLDER 3128 2809 00
0500450131 法兰轴承 Flange bearings 0500 4501 31
3128280926 主轴轴承 MAIN SHAFT BEARINGS 3128 2809 26
0666800033 AM-轴型封 AM-Shaft seal 0666 8000 33
0663214600 O型圈 O-rings 0663 2146 00
3128306180 支架 bracket 3128 3061 80
3128306181 支架 bracket 3128 3061 81
3177309010 针形阀 Needle valve 3177 3090 10
0501000008 轴承 bearing 0501 0000 08
3222318607 轴承 BEARING 3222 3186 07
3217000557 主开关 MAIN SWITCH 3217 0005 57
9106219203 连接块 Connection block 9106 2192 03
9106152440 线性传感器 Linear sensors 9106 1524 40
3128313385 线性传感器 Linear sensors 3128 3133 85
9106219216 传感器 sensor 9106 2192 16
3218200670 风箱杯 Bellows cup 3218 2006 70
3128305989 AM-风箱 AM-bellows 3128 3059 89
5112320416 风扇座 FAN HOUSE 5112 3204 16
3222300533 风扇 fan 3222 3005 33
5112308582 AM-开关 AM-switch 5112 3085 82
3222314020 电位计 potentiometer 3222 3140 20
5112320458 电缆 Cable 5112 3204 58
3222327511 AM-REGULATING U AM-REGULATING U 3222 3275 11
5112308130 AM-REGULATING U AM-REGULATING U 5112 3081 30
5112307808 AM-钮 AM-button 5112 3078 08
9106225855 操纵杆 JOYSTICK 9106 2258 55
6060005188 传感器 SENSOR 6060 0051 88
9106189080 译码器 DECODER 9106 1890 80
9106250415 传感器电缆 Sensor cable 9106 2504 15
9106147565 传感器电缆 Sensor cable 9106 1475 65
9106219603 电路板 Circuit board 9106 2196 03
9106219602 电路野猪 CIRCUIT BOAR 9106 2196 02
9106142613 传感器 SENSOR 9106 1426 13
9106142612 标贴 Stickers 9106 1426 12
3217997851 出局。插座 OUTL.SOCKET 3217 9978 51
3217997841 AM-塞 AM-plug 3217 9978 41
9900459403 阻尼器 shock absorber 9900 4594 03
3217995530 阻尼器 shock absorber 3217 9955 30
3176000156 倒车报警器H121 Reverse alarm H121 3176 0001 56
3222345582 闪光灯 Flash 3222 3455 82
5112313905 闪光灯 Flash 5112 3139 05
3217993000 AM-灯 AM-lamp 3217 9930 00
5112019407 灯 lamp 5112 0194 07
3176003040 灯 lamp 3176 0030 40
5590021543 液压泵 Hydraulic pump 5590 0215 43
9106079662 液压泵 Hydraulic pump 9106 0796 62
5112313349 密封 seal 5112 3133 49
5112318787 O型圈 O-rings 5112 3187 87
5112300323 AM-螺帽 AM-Nut cap 5112 3003 23
5112300380 AM-轴承 AM-bearings 5112 3003 80
5112300379 AM-轴承 AM-bearings 5112 3003 79
5112318681 DRIVE SHAFT DRIVE SHAFT 5112 3186 81
0335115200 弹形挡圈 Spring-shaped retaining ring 0335 1152 00
0108335900 电缆接头 Cable glands 0108 3359 00
0544216200 油嘴 glib 0544 2162 00
3128306183 限位开关 Limit switch 3128 3061 83
6060002459 密封套件 SEALKIT 6060 0024 59
0581202512 AM-套筒 AM-sleeve 0581 2025 12
3128280924 膨胀轴 Expansion shaft 3128 2809 24
6060001338 密封套件 SEALKIT 6060 0013 38
0147136703 六角螺栓 Hex bolts 0147 1367 03
0147136703 六角螺栓 Hex bolts 0147 1367 03
0500450131 法兰轴承 Flange bearings 0500 4501 31
0500450131 法兰轴承 Flange bearings 0500 4501 31
3128998054 销轴 Pin shaft 3128 9980 54
0663214600 O型圈 O-rings 0663 2146 00
3222311630 AM-针阀 AM-needle valve 3222 3116 30
3217651301 限流器 Flow limiter 3217 6513 01
3217999601 电磁阀 Solenoid valve 3217 9996 01
3216371900 气路调压阀膜片 Air path regulator diaphragm 3216 3719 00
3217000552 把手 handle 3217 0005 52
3217997838 仪表 appearance 3217 9978 38
3176003901 继电器 Relays 3176 0039 01
9106071336 充电器 charger 9106 0713 36
9106972243 操作手柄 Operation handle 9106 9722 43
9106185604 FLOW METER FLOW METER 9106 1856 04
5112019408 大灯 Headlights 5112 0194 08
3176003908 大灯 Headlights 3176 0039 08
3222300533 风扇 fan 3222 3005 33
5112320416 风扇屋 FAN HOUSE 5112 3204 16
9106219216 传感器 sensor 9106 2192 16
3217000552 把手 handle 3217 0005 52
9106219603 电路板 Circuit board 9106 2196 03
3218200670 风箱杯 Bellows cup 3218 2006 70
3128305989 AM-风箱 AM-bellows 3128 3059 89
9106219203 连接块 Connection block 9106 2192 03
9106189080 译码器 DECODER 9106 1890 80
9106972243 操作手柄 Operation handle 9106 9722 43
6060005188 传感器 sensor 6060 0051 88
9106185604 FLOW METER FLOW METER 9106185604
9106152440 线性传感器 Linear sensors 9106 1524 40
3128313385 线性传感器 Linear sensors 3128 3133 85
9106225855 操纵杆 JOYSTICK 9106 2258 55
9106250415 传感器电缆 Sensor cable 9106 2504 15
9106147565 传感器电缆 Sensor cable 9106 1475 65
9106219222 压。传音 PRESS.TRANSD 9106 2192 22
3217997838 仪表 appearance 3217 9978 38
3176003901 继电器 Relays 3176003901
9106071336 充电器 charger 9106 0713 36
3217997847 电压表 voltmeter 3217 9978 47
3217976601 AM-泵 AM-Pump 3217 9766 01
3115319080 冲洗头 Rinse head 3115 3190 80
3128061800 垫圈 washer 3128 0618 00
3128301391 阻止物 Blockers 3128 3013 91
3128003255 SEGMENT SEGMENT 3128 0032 55
3128307472 SEGMENT SEGMENT 3128 3074 72
5590021543 液压泵 Hydraulic pump 5590 0215 43
9106079662 液压泵 Hydraulic pump 9106 0796 62
3128307468 AM-整流子片 AM-commutator sheets 3128 3074 68
9106219027 附件 ATTACHMENT 9106 2190 27
3177006002 滚筒 Drum 3177 0060 02
2310035434 惰轮 idler 2310 0354 34
2310035244 链轮齿 Sprocket teeth 2310 0352 44
2310076842 螺栓 bolt 2310 0768 42
2310035251 履带支重轮 Track rollers 2310 0352 51
2310035269 拖链轮 e-chainchains® 2310 0352 69
2310105922 螺栓M20 × 110 Bolt M20 × 110 2310 1059 22
2310035384 螺栓 bolt 2310 0353 84
2310035111 螺母紧固辊支撑 Nut fastening roller supporting 2310 0351 11
3217997890 AM-绝缘体 AM-Insulator 3217 9978 90
3760900724 滤芯 Filter 3760 9007 24
5540960500 滤芯 Filter 5540 9605 00
3115326100 支撑环 Support ring 3115 3261 00
9106001552 排气管法兰 Exhaust pipe flange 9106 0015 52
1615550202 仪表 appearance 1615 5502 02
8372012008 cbt crb cbt crb 8372 0120 08
8372010200 TC 插入 TC INSERT 8372 0102 00
3702599700 CBT IMP CBT IMP 3702 5997 00
3217997897 AM-套 AM-set 3217 9978 97
3363085499 螺纹衬套 Threaded bushings 3363 0854 99
5112287861 径向密封 Radial sealing 5112 2878 61
2694171873 AM-支座 AM-Support 2694 1718 73
2657186728 AM-液压马达 AM-Hydraulic motor 2657 1867 28
2658316489 泵 pump 2658 3164 89
2657818577 泵 pump 2657 8185 77
2657895138 呼吸器 respirator 2657 8951 38
2658607738 泵 pump 2658 6077 38
2658605309 主泵 2658 6053 09
2659619602 液压泵 Main pump 2659 6196 02
2657818585 主泵 Main pump 2657 8185 85
2658607696 马达 motor 2658 6076 96
5724003339 皮带 belt 5724 0033 39
5724003341 滤芯 Filter 5724 0033 41
5724003343 滤芯 Filter 5724 0033 43
5724003342 启动马达 Start the motor 5724 0033 42
5724003345 水泵 WATER PUMP 5724 0033 45
5724003337 发电机 dynamo 5724 0033 37
5724411645 万向节 Gimbal 5724 4116 45
5724003325 滤芯 Filter 5724 0033 25
5724001395 联轴器 Coupling 5724 0013 95
8231045410 滤芯 (查看备注) Filter element (see remarks) 8231 0454 10
8231101828 滤芯 Filter 8231 1018 28
8231102852 备件集 SPARE PARTS SET 8231 1028 52
3128307488 滑块 Slider 3128 3074 88
0500453620 轴承 bearing 0500 4536 20
3128078190 滑轮 pulley 3128 0781 90
3128303930 滑块 Slider 3128 3039 30
3115212900 活塞 piston 3115 2129 00
3115297100 缓冲活塞 Cushion pistons 3115 2971 00
0663615100 O型圈 O-rings 0663 6151 00
0663214501 O型圈 O-rings 0663 2145 01
0663214300 O型圈 O-rings 0663 2143 00
3115534020 止动环 Stop ring 3115 5340 20
3115324500 密封圈 Sealing rings 3115 3245 00
3115328917 密封圈 Sealing rings 3115 3289 17
3115233300 杯形密封 Cup seal 3115 2333 00
3115519000 杯形密封 Cup seal 3115 5190 00
3115223100 钻环 Drill rings 3115 2231 00
3115601625 四棱套 Quadrangular sleeve 3115 6016 25
3115531400 四棱套 Quadrangular sleeve 3115 5314 00
3115600435 铜套 Copper sleeve 3115 6004 35
3115923893 大修包 Overhaul kit 3115 9238 93
3363119655 MB1200尖头钎杆长度1080mm MB1200 pointed rod length 1080mm 3363 1196 55
3360993029 MB1200扁销 MB1200 flat pin 3360 9930 29
3363088663 AM-套筒 AM-sleeve 3363 0886 63
3363066569 雨刮器 Wiper 3363 0665 69
3363070660 戴纳派克浮环 Dynapac Floating Ring 3363 0706 60
3363087286 低压充气阀总成 钢制 Low pressure inflation valve assembly made of steel 3363 0872 86
3363119599 HB2000 钎杆 HB2000 rod 3363 1195 99
3363109243 挡尘圈底座 Dust ring base 3363 1092 43
3363109245 挡尘圈 Dust barrier 3363 1092 45
3363100795 浮动环 Floating ring 3363 1007 95
3363121228 HB2000密封包 HB2000 sealed package 3363 1212 28
3363109241 下衬套 Lower bushing 3363 1092 41
3361854347 销子,钢铁 Pins, steel 3361 8543 47
3363098088 销子,钢铁 Pins, steel 3363 0980 88
3363087286 低压充气阀总成 钢制 Low pressure inflation valve assembly made of steel 3363 0872 86
3363087185 钢铁制管接头 Steel pipe fittings 3363 0871 85
3363087186 润滑脂接头 钢制 Grease fittings made of steel 3363 0871 86
3363091200 成品油-润滑脂 Refined oil – grease 3363 0912 00
3361850422 密封包(旋转接头用) Sealing package (for swivel joints) 3361 8504 22
3363031190 管接头 Fittings 3363 0311 90
3363083878 AM-管子 AM-Tube 3363 0838 78
3363083874 HB10000润滑脂油管 HB10000 grease tubing 3363 0838 74
3363116062 卡环,钢制 Snap ring, steel 3363 1160 62
3363119511 AM-收集器 AM-Collector 3363 1195 11
3361332227 AM-收集器 AM-Collector 3361 3322 27
3362261541 锁定销(扁销用) Locking pins (for flat pins) 3362 2615 41
3363104395 磨损衬套,钢制 Wear bushing, steel 3363 1043 95
3360433774 油喷嘴 Oil nozzles 3360 4337 74
3363122838 密封套件 Seal kit 3363 1228 38
3363103487 膨胀螺栓修理包 Expansion bolt repair kit 3363 1034 87
3363089850 蓄能器维修包 Accumulator repair kit 3363 0898 50
3363091058 AM-齿组 AM-tooth set 3363 0910 58
3363121227 管接头 Fittings 3363 1212 27
3363094645 管接头 Fittings 3363 0946 45
3363031767 管子 pipe 3363 0317 67
3363094914 刀具润滑脂 cutter grease 3363 0949 14
3363098262 刀片套件 DP2100 Blade Kit Dp2100 3363 0982 62
3363123127 齿板套件 Tooth plate kit 3363 1231 27
3363122971 刀片套件 BP BLADE KIT BP 3363 1229 71
3363112463 刀片套件 BP BLADE KIT BP 3363 1124 63
3363119588 液压锤 Hydraulic Hammer 3363 1195 88
3363119085 刀片套件 Blade kit 3363 1190 85
3363115797 管子 pipe 3363 1157 97
3363031767 管子 pipe 3363 0317 67
3360332294 管接头 Fittings 3360 3322 94
5580016109 维修套件巴克巴兰 Repair kit balk balan 5580 0161 09
9779104220 钻杆 Drill rod 9779 1042 20
0092003286 定心套筒 Centering sleeve 0092 0032 86
9779104389 钻杆 Drill rod 9779 1043 89
9779104596 适配器 Adapter 9779 1045 96
9779104246 适配器 Adapter 9779 1042 46
5590008940 通风保护。埃皮罗克 Vent protection. EPIROC 5590 0089 40
5590016690 埃皮洛克变速箱 EPIROC Gearbox 5590 0166 90
2658495626 阀 Valve 2658 4956 26
2657828618 压 实 Compaction 2657 8286 18
2658341281 软管 Hose 2658 3412 81
2657775520 散热器 Radiator 2657 7755 20
2658378866 盖子 Lid 2658 3788 66
2657436024 扇 Fan 2657 4360 24
5501507900 安百拓杆 Epiroc rod 5501 5079 00
2657531162 Nipple Nipple 2657 5311 62
9106975420 安百拓模块 Epiroc Module 9106 9754 20
2657886509 变速箱维修套件 Gearbox repair kit 2657 8865 09
5540476900 埃皮罗克枢纽 EPIROC hub 5540 4769 00
5580005247 安百拓起动剂 Epiroc starter 5580 0052 47
3716669300 安百洛克阀 Epiroc valve 3716 6693 00
3716652800 安百洛克阀 Epiroc valve 3716 6528 00
3716635700 安百洛克阀 Epiroc valve 3716 6357 00
5740184069 安百拓磁铁 Epiroc magnet 5740 1840 69
2310109981 燃油分离器 RACOR Fuel separator RACOR 2310 1099 81
2310033405 阿特拉斯·科普柯适配器 Atlas Copco adapter 2310 0334 05
1700013437 安百拓痛风系统套件 Epiroc gout system kit 1700 0134 37
2657791030 安百拓空气软管 Air hose Epiroc 2657 7910 30
2310036606 安百拓空气软管 Air hose Epiroc 2310 0366 06
0200023726 阿特拉斯·科普柯传感器 Atlas Copco sensor 0200 0237 26
1700048437 阿特拉斯阀 Atlas valve 1700 0484 37
2657990517 元素正在滑动。 The element is sliding. 2657 9905 17
2652147543 模块指南 Block guide 2652 1475 43
3222327121 液压缸阿特拉斯·科普柯 Hydraulic cylinder ATLAS COPCO 3222 3271 21
0211196402 阿特拉斯·科普柯螺栓 ATLAS COPCO bolt 0211 1964 02
5541030600 阿特拉斯·科普柯螺杆 ATLAS COPCO screw 5541 0306 00
5575700949 阿特拉斯·科普柯销 ATLAS COPCO PIN 5575 7009 49
5540907300 阿特拉斯·科普柯支架 ATLAS COPCO holder 5540 9073 00
5590014744 仲裁员:阿特拉斯·科普柯 Arbitrator: ATLAS COPCO 5590 0147 44
0592658900 卡特彼勒装配 EPIROC Caterpillar assembly EPIROC 0592 6589 00
2692004233 阻尼离合器 Damper clutch 2692 0042 33
0058349001 压缩机软管 Compressor hose 0058 3490 01
2658352793 压缩机软管 Compressor hose 2658 3527 93
2658391207 压缩机软管 Compressor hose 2658 3912 07
2658391200 压缩机软管 Compressor hose 2658 3912 00
2658413089 压缩机软管 Compressor hose 2658 4130 89
2658390521 压缩机软管 Compressor hose 2658 3905 21
2658352801 压缩机软管 Compressor hose 2658 3528 01
3716670600 埃皮罗克阀门 EPIROC valve 3716 6706 00
2658508303 阿特拉斯·科普柯电缆 ATLAS COPCO cable 2658 5083 03
5112239209 呼吸器安百拓 Breather Epiroc 5112 2392 09
5580006632 模块 Module 5580 0066 32
0554109430 阿特拉斯·科普柯开关套件 ATLAS COPCO switch set 0554 1094 30
5580013617 安百拓喷嘴 Epiroc nozzle 5580 0136 17
5580007702 阿特拉斯·科普柯泵 ATLAS COPCO pump 5580 0077 02
5580010368 阿特拉斯·科普柯泵 ATLAS COPCO pump 5580 0103 68
6060006573 艾菲罗克液压缸 EPIROC hydraulic cylinder 6060 0065 73
5574119800 艾菲罗克液压缸 EPIROC hydraulic cylinder 5574 1198 00
5541075800 安百拓踏板 Epiroc pedal 5541 0758 00
2656948151 软管 Hose 2656 9481 51
0001375541 泵组件 Pump assembly 0001 3755 41
5580104570 泵 Pump 5580 1045 70
5541008500 泵 Pump 5541 0085 00
5561152300 安百拓清洗机 Epiroc washer 5561 1523 00
3217001013 安百拓副 Epiroc Vice 3217 0010 13
0092005027 适配器顶部 Adapter top 0092 0050 27
5580010294 安百拓泵 Epiroc pump 5580 0102 94
5572942600 安百拓手指 Epiroc Finger 5572 9426 00
5572942700 安百拓手指 Epiroc Finger 5572 9427 00
0004954200 周六康明斯的泵 Pump in Sat. Cummins 0004 9542 00
0003967782 阿特拉斯·科普柯阀门 Atlas Copco valve 0003 9677 82
5580010292 安百拓涡轮机 Epiroc Turbine 5580 0102 92
5542028200 安百拓发电机 Epiroc Generator 5542 0282 00
0029603439 阿特拉斯·科普柯软管 Atlas Copco hose 0029 6034 39
2654498357 控制.旋转.安百拓 Control.rotation.Epiroc 2654 4983 57
2657770240 阀 芯 Spool 2657 7702 40
2657213399 散热器套筒 Radiator sleeve 2657 2133 99
2659602321 安百拓行程控制器 Epiroc Stroke Controller 2659 6023 21
2657826331 安百拓行程控制器 Epiroc Stroke Controller 2657 8263 31
2657826356 控制器正在旋转。安百拓 The controller is rotating. Epiroc 2657 8263 56
2650463645 液压软管 Hydraulic hose 2650 4636 45
2659602276 安百拓继电器 Epiroc Relay 2659 6022 76
2659956466 安百拓继电器 Epiroc Relay 2659 9564 66
5580005452 安百拓变速箱 Epiroc gearbox 5580 0054 52
5534466400 安百拓密封件 Epiroc seal 5534 4664 00
5580003986 阿特拉斯·科普柯制动踏板 ATLAS COPCO brake pedal 5580 0039 86
5590007420 安百洛克阀 Epiroc valve 5590 0074 20
5726600126 阿特拉斯·科普柯通气孔 Atlas Copco breather 5726 6001 26
3222312123 阿特拉斯·科普柯通气孔 Atlas Copco breather 3222 3121 23
3716402210 包装工安百拓 Packer Epiroc 3716 4022 10
2658341857 安百洛克推力推力 Epiroc thrust thrust 2658 3418 57
2390000746 内挡圈 Inner retaining ring 2390 0007 46
2658583973 安百拓指南 Epiroc guide 2658 5839 73
2656016608 阿特拉斯·科普柯软管 Atlas Copco hose 2656 0166 08
2656018844 阿特拉斯·科普柯踏板 Atlas Copco pedal 2656 0188 44
0056042745 阿特拉斯·科普柯操纵杆 Atlas Copco joystick 0056 0427 45
0574225318 安百拓软管 Epiroc hose 0574 2253 18
0574225441 安百拓软管 Epiroc hose 0574 2254 41
0574225466 安百拓液压软管 Epiroc hydraulic hose 0574 2254 66
5571352600 爱彼罗克封面 EPIROC Cover 5571 3526 00
0092005016 适配器 Adapter 0092 0050 16
2658388253 安百拓滤光片组 Epiroc Filter Sets 2658 3882 53
2658388267 安百拓滤光片组 Epiroc Filter Sets 2658 3882 67
2658317857 传感器 Sensor 2658 3178 57
2657801730 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2657 8017 30
2657622300 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2657 6223 00
2657546145 Elem.separ.Epiroc Elem.separ.Epiroc 2657 5461 45
2656958945 过滤派尔斯布。安百拓 Filter pylesb. Epiroc 2656 9589 45
2657803843 滤芯安百拓 Filter element. Epiroc 2657 8038 43
5740185004 班轮 Liner 5740 1850 04
2658229915 安百拓密封件 Epiroc seal 2658 2299 15
2658252865 阿特拉斯·科普柯泵 ATLAS COPCO pump 2658 2528 65
2657565103 滤芯。安百拓 Filter element. Epiroc 2657 5651 03
2652154515 安百拓密封件 Epiroc seal 2652 1545 15
2657992190 圆柱体 Cylinder 2657 9921 90
2657920837 安百洛克垫片 Epiroc gasket 2657 9208 37
2658605897 阿特拉斯·科普柯泵 ATLAS COPCO pump 2658 6058 97
0554026630 阿特拉斯·科普柯垫片套件 Atlas Copco Gasket Kit 0554 0266 30
9106973272 显示 Display 9106 9732 72
2658348009 安百拓液压过滤器 Epiroc Hydraulic Filter 2658 3480 09
2658493134 安百拓软管 Epiroc hose 2658 4931 34
2658356985 压缩机 Compressor 2658 3569 85
2657895278 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2657 8952 78
2658456181 安百拓旋转器过滤器 Epiroc Rotator Filter 2658 4561 81
2658321193 安百拓过滤器 Filter cond. Epiroc 2658 3211 93
2657294829 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2657 2948 29
6060008045 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 6060 0080 45
2658383143 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2658 3831 43
2657717480 安百洛克压路机 Epiroc Roller 2657 7174 80
2658029489 安百拓连接器 Epiroc connector 2658 0294 89
6060008041 机油滤清器 安百拓 Oil filter Epiroc 6060 0080 41
2657890444 机油滤清器 安百拓 Oil filter Epiroc 2657 8904 44
2658409225 安百拓软管 Epiroc hose 2658 4092 25
2658403632 安百拓软管 Epiroc hose 2658 4036 32
2657659625 软管总成 Hose assembly 2657 6596 25
2657380222 软管总成 Hose assembly 2657 3802 22
2657381154 软管总成 Hose assembly 2657 3811 54
2658542491 软管总成 Hose assembly 2658 5424 91
2658499784 软管总成 Hose assembly 2658 4997 84
2657608671 软管总成 Hose assembly 2657 6086 71
2657849770 软管总成 Hose assembly 2657 8497 70
2657991812 安百拓软管 Epiroc hose 2657 9918 12
2658377865 软管总成 Hose assembly 2658 3778 65
9779103230 阿特拉斯·科普柯动臂 Atlas Copco boom 9779 1032 30
6060001708 安百拓密封套件 Epiroc Seal Kit 6060 0017 08
0092004233 阻尼适配器 Damping adapter 0092 0042 33
2657932626 安百拓油封 Epiroc oil seal 2657 9326 26
5580025569 安百拓恒温器 Epiroc thermostat 5580 0255 69
5574869900 操纵杆阿特拉斯·科普柯 Joystick ATLAS COPCO 5574 8699 00
6060001711 安百拓维修套件 Epiroc Repair Kit 6060 0017 11
0055076646 阿特拉斯·科普柯泵 Atlas Copco pump 0055 0766 46
6060004105 安百拓衬套 Epiroc bushing 6060 0041 05
6060004104 安百拓衬套 Epiroc bushing 6060 0041 04
2658608291 安百拓蓄能器 Epiroc accumulator 2658 6082 91
5590000421 安百拓散热器 Epiroc radiator 5590 0004 21
5580090128 阿特拉斯·科普柯车轮 Atlas Copco wheel 5580 0901 28
8154716044 冷却单元 Cooling unit 8154 7160 44
2310120212 安百拓服务套件 Epiroc Service Kit 2310 1202 12
6060005599 安百拓衬套 Epiroc bushing 6060 0055 99
5728001927 安百拓液压缸 Epiroc hydraulic cylinder 5728 0019 27
5580026168 安百拓液压缸 Epiroc hydraulic cylinder 5580 0261 68
5580029172 安百拓封面 Epiroc cover 5580 0291 72
5580103544 安百拓经销商 Epiroc distributor 5580 1035 44
2658711954 安百拓泵 Epiroc pump 2658 7119 54
2657159121 轴承、机钻。蝰蛇 Bearing, machine drill. PitViper 2657 1591 21
2658499350 安百拓板 Epiroc Plate 2658 4993 50
2310089951 安百拓单元 Epiroc Unit 2310 0899 51
2310072999 RK g/c 阿特拉斯·科普柯 RK g/c Atlas Copco 2310 0729 99
2657447799 关闭尾巴 Off End Epiroc 2657 4477 99
2659598154 安百拓恒温器 Epiroc thermostat 2659 5981 54
2657170839 安百拓恒温器 Epiroc thermostat 2657 1708 39
9779103871 定心套筒 Centering sleeve 9779 1038 71
9779104034 适配器 Adapter 9779 1040 34
2310110013 阿特拉斯·科普柯模块 Atlas Copco Block 2310 1100 13
2657359523 套件是密封的。MK-阿特拉斯-科普柯-57359523 The kit is sealed. MK-ATLAS-COPCO-57359523 2657 3595 23
0200016837 凿子 311.2(12 1/4“) 图谱 Chisel 311.2(12 1/4″) Atlas 0200 0168 37
2310110020 方向.安百拓 Direction.Epiroc 2310 1100 20
2310072882 安百拓复合体 Epiroc Complex 2310 0728 82
2310089993 方向.安百拓 Direction.Epiroc 2310 0899 93
2657826349 安百拓进纸操纵杆 Epiroc feed joystick 2657 8263 49
2310120219 安百拓服务套件 Epiroc Service Kit 2310 1202 19
2310017473 回流过滤器安百洛克 Return filter Epiroc 2310 0174 73
2658599660 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2658 5996 60
2657622292 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2657 6222 92
2650903236 过滤器 voz.hydrob 阿特拉斯·科普柯 Filter voz.hydrob ATLAS COPCO 2650 9032 36
2657516106 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2657 5161 06
2657516098 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2657 5160 98
2652252061 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2652 2520 61
2310068955 安百拓滤波器 Epiroc Filter 2310 0689 55
2652146966 安百拓空气过滤器 Epiroc air filter 2652 1469 66
2310068948 安百拓空气过滤器 Epiroc air filter 2310 0689 48
2310089704 安百拓轴承 Epiroc bearing 2310 0897 04
2310110552 安百拓开关 Epiroc switch 2310 1105 52
2657554750 安百拓起重机 Epiroc crane 2657 5547 50
2657265258 安百拓油封 Epiroc oil seal 2657 2652 58
2657791030 安百拓空气软管 Air hose Epiroc 2657 7910 30
2310036606 安百拓空气软管 Air hose Epiroc 2310 0366 06
2656918832 安百洛克夹具 Epiroc clamp 2656 9188 32
2657930703 设定在 250 米/小时 Set at 250m/h 2657 9307 03
2657930760 设定为 2000 m/h Set for 2000 m / h 2657 9307 60
5580101290 安百拓螺栓 Epiroc bolt 5580 1012 90
0216110019 安百拓螺杆 Epiroc screw 0216 1100 19
5728002470 ST云台轴 ST gimbal shaft 5728 0024 70
5580103393 ST云台轴 ST gimbal shaft 5580 1033 93
5580104687 安百拓阀门套件 Epiroc Valve Kit 5580 1046 87
2310040715 安百拓空气软管 Air hose Epiroc 2310 0407 15
2658025313 安百拓空气软管 Air hose Epiroc 2658 0253 13
3716402911 包装者 Packer 3716 4029 11
6060006375 安百洛克阀 Epiroc valve 6060 0063 75
9779104864 散热器 Radiator 9779 1048 64
9779104032 耦合 Coupling 9779 1040 32
2657573107 转盘减速机 Carousel reducer 2657 5731 07
9779103560 钻杆 Drill pipe 9779 1035 60
5542007100 安百拓 P / c Epiroc 5542 0071 00
5740007681 压力泵 Pressure pump 5740 0076 81
5740002231 发动机 Motor 5740 0022 31
9779104036 杆 Rod 9779 1040 36
6060008044 图集过滤器 Atlas Filter 6060 0080 44
5580007857 图集过滤器 Atlas Filter 5580 0078 57
5728202237 圆柱体 Cylinder 5728 2022 37
5728202811 泵 Pump 5728 2028 11
5728202220 圆柱体 Cylinder 5728 2022 20
5728202225 圆柱体 Cylinder 5728 2022 25
5537789400 阀 Valve 5537 7894 00
5537132100 阀 Valve 5537 1321 00
5537170200 阀 Valve 5537 1702 00
5571956100 阀 Valve 5571 9561 00
5728002740 GTR 传感器 GTR sensor 5728 0027 40
5537672200 GTR 传感器 GTR sensor 5537 6722 00
5728002800 内燃机压力表 ICE pressure gauge 5728 0028 00
5537672300 内燃机压力表 ICE pressure gauge 5537 6723 00
Dear, Good day
We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
other conditions for the supply of the material described below:
Item Description
04 – UNTS
1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO
HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
Payment conditions
Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
Send Certificates (if applicable)
Weight and dimensions estimate
King regards,
Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.
Добрый день просим рассмотреть возможность поставки фильтров на компрессор ZH 7000-6-7(р/комплекты,фильтры, сепаратор, клапана)
Dear Sir or madam, thanks, please send us by email with the part numbers for ZH7000 Atlas Copco Air Compressors, we are looking forward to quoting you for your RFQs.
Добрый день, жду сообщений по поставке расходников
Thank you, please provide the part numbers, air compressor name plate by email to us:
Уважаемый Господин или Госпожа
Может ли ваша компания поставлять детали для центробежных воздушных компрессоров Ingersoll Rand? Для таких моделей, как Centac 400, C700E и т. д., а также запасных частей для безмасляных воздушных компрессоров Atlas Copco. Если да, то как быстро вы можете отправить нам продукцию и насколько надежна ваша продукция, если мы принимаем только оригинальные запасные части?
Dear Sir or madam, Thank you very much for leaving comment on our website. Our company offer MANY GENUINE ORIGINAL parts for all top brands of air compressors like Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, and yes, we do serve centrifugal air compressors spare parts. You can compare our prices if based on 100% Genuine original parts. Thanks and hope we can communicate in email via English if possible. Kind regards, Team from CPMC, China.
I would like to request a Parts List Manual for Atlas Copco G55, We are planning to purchase PM parts for our compressor.
Your immediate response is highly appreciated.
Robert Arano
PDEC Co. (Purtlev Dynamics Engineering Company)
86 Hemedez Coumpound, Brgy. Sala Cabuyao Laguna Philippines
(049) 560 6264
Dear Robert, can you please send email to us with the compressor nameplate and so we can try to check the related user manual and see if we can get the part numbers for the PM parts. our email address: (miss Wendy) or (miss JoJo). Thank you for your inquiry and best regards, CPMC service team!
S No Description Part Number
1 Cooler Kit 3001531121
2 O-RING 0663210968
3 Seal Washer 0661100038
4 RING INTERNAL 1635051200
5 PROFILE, 1635051400
6 SEAL GASKET 1635051500
7 O RING 1623172600
8 COOLER AFTER 1635051900
9 CORE COOLER, AIR 1635051600
10 CORE COOLER, OIL 1635127300
11 O RING 0663210612
12 O RING 0663210968
Can someone please share prices and availibility.
Dear Kamran
Good morning and happy new Year 2025! We well received your message and our team will check and quote to you asap in this holiday period.
Kind regards