If you are in search of authentic Atlas Copco Epiroc Spare Parts like Bushings, Filters, Valves, Rubber Sockets, Contact Blocks, Hydraulic Pumps, and more, allow us to introduce China Pudding Mechatronic Co. (CPMC). As a prominent supplier in the Air Compressors, Mining, and Drilling Equipment industry, we proudly present the comprehensive 5112287860 Genuine Atlas Copco Epiroc Spare Parts Catalog by CPMC China. In the event that you are unable to find the specific parts you require, kindly make use of our convenient online RFQ submission form. Rest assured, we aim to respond with a quotation within 3-23 hours during our regular working days and weeks.
Atlas Copco Epiroc Spare Parts Catalog
Parts Number | Parts Name | Parts Name | Parts Number |
5112287860 | Seal Kit | 密封套件 | 5112 2878 60 |
5112287861 | Seal Kit | 密封套件 | 5112 2878 61 |
3128302506 | Repair Kit | 维修套件 | 3128 3025 06 |
5540383200 | Lock ring | 锁环 | 5540 3832 00 |
5540383600 | OIL SEAL | 油封 | 5540 3836 00 |
5537168500 | LOCK RING | 锁环 | 5537 1685 00 |
0574251438 | Hose assembly | 软管总成 | 0574 2514 38 |
8231046410 | Oil Filter | 机油滤清器 | 8231 0464 10 |
9106971535 | ANTENNA | 天线 | 9106 9715 35 |
3176003741 | EPIROC – BOLTEC 235 Headlights | 埃皮洛克 – 博尔泰克 235 大灯 | 3176 0037 41 |
9106976611 | I/D MODULE | I/D 模块 | 9106 9766 11 |
3177309260 | VALVE | 阀 | 3177 3092 60 |
5541830900 | Connectors | 连接 | 5541 8309 00 |
5541761300 | wheel stud | 轮毂螺柱 | 5541 7613 00 |
5537483800 | NUT | 坚果 | 5537 4838 00 |
2236210012 | VALVE KIT 2ND STG | 阀门套件 2ND STG | 2236 2100 12 |
2236210013 | VALVE KIT 3RD STG | 阀门套件 3RD STG | 2236 2100 13 |
2236210014 | VALVE KIT 4TH STG | 阀门套件 4TH STG | 2236 2100 14 |
2236210015 | RING KIT PISTON 2ND STG | 活塞环套件 2ND STG | 2236 2100 15 |
3128045815 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 15 |
3128045828 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 28 |
3128045824 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 24 |
3128045819 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 19 |
3128045818 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 18 |
3128045802 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 02 |
3128045801 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 01 |
3222326752 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3222 3267 52 |
3128003401 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0034 01 |
3128045810 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 10 |
3222326416 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3222 3264 16 |
3222326589 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3222 3265 89 |
2653258034 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 2653 2580 34 |
2653258026 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 2653 2580 26 |
3128045804 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 04 |
3128045807 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 07 |
3128045868 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 0458 68 |
3128259061 | slide bars for feed beams | 用于进给梁的滑杆 | 3128 2590 61 |
2236210016 | Ring Kit Piston 3Rd Stg | 活塞环套件 3Rd Stg | 2236 2100 16 |
2236210017 | Ring Kit Piston 4Td Stg | 活塞环套件 4Td Stg | 2236 2100 17 |
2236210082 | Valve Kit 2Nd Stg | 阀门套件 2Nd Stg | 2236 2100 82 |
2236210084 | Valve Kit 3Rd Stg | 阀门套件 3 号 | 2236 2100 84 |
2236210086 | Valve Kit 4Th Stg | 阀门套件 4 号 | 2236 2100 86 |
2236210083 | Ring Kit Piston 2Nd Stg | 活塞环套件 2Nd Stg | 2236 2100 83 |
2236210085 | Ring Kit Piston 3Rd Stg | 活塞环套件 3Rd Stg | 2236 2100 85 |
2236210087 | Ring Kit Piston 4Th Stg | 环套件活塞 4Th Stg | 2236 2100 87 |
2236217024 | Thermocouple assy | 热电偶总成 | 2236 2170 24 |
3222305895 | VALVE | 阀 | 3222 3058 95 |
6060001268 | U-connector | U型接头 | 6060 0012 68 |
5540395900 | Cross axis | 十字轴 | 5540 3959 00 |
6060005809 | U-connector | U型接头 | 6060 0058 09 |
5541963000 | Drive shaft bearings | 传动轴轴承 | 5541 9630 00 |
6060003394 | Support bearings | 支撑轴承 | 6060 0033 94 |
5541954200 | AM-bearings | AM-轴承 | 5541 9542 00 |
5541023400 | bearing | 轴承 | 5541 0234 00 |
3222311562 | liner | 衬垫 | 3222 3115 62 |
3222306266 | Adjust the low shock valve | 调节低冲击阀 | 3222 3062 66 |
0500450133 | Flat axis | 平轴 | 0500 4501 33 |
0500450106 | bearing | 轴承 | 0500 4501 06 |
0500450017 | bearing | 轴承 | 0500 4500 17 |
4350266220 | Floating head assembly | 浮动头总成 | 4350 2662 20 |
6060006431 | Chain cover | 链罩 | 6060 0064 31 |
3222338735 | Chain cover | 链罩 | 3222 3387 35 |
3215824600 | Bushings | 衬套 | 3215 8246 00 |
3222332265 | Rubber pads | 橡胶垫 | 3222 3322 65 |
3222332266 | Rubber pads | 橡胶垫 | 3222 3322 66 |
3222326122 | Disassemble the rotating body on the stage | 拆卸台上旋转体 | 3222 3261 22 |
3222326144 | enclosure | 外壳 | 3222 3261 44 |
3222311363 | Piston rod | 活塞杆 | 3222 3113 63 |
0663616700 | O-rings | O型圈 | 0663 6167 00 |
0663617100 | O-rings | O型圈 | 0663 6171 00 |
3128302018 | gasket | 垫片 | 3128 3020 18 |
3222328551 | Disassembly table up and down kava | 拆装台上下卡瓦 | 3222 3285 51 |
3128082907 | Disassembly table up and down kava | 拆装台上下卡瓦 | 3128 0829 07 |
0211196335 | bolt | 螺栓 | 0211 1963 35 |
3315019512 | Anti-loose washer | 防松垫圈 | 3315 0195 12 |
3222351454 | Hydraulic cylinder | 液压油缸 | 3222 3514 54 |
3222333519 | Hydraulic cylinder | 液压油缸 | 3222 3335 19 |
1604620500 | valve | 阀 | 1604 6205 00 |
6060010524 | Seal the package | 密封包 | 6060 0105 24 |
3222340120 | Seal the package | 密封包 | 3222 3401 20 |
0501000010 | bearing | 轴承 | 0501 0000 10 |
3222340286 | seal | 密封 | 3222 3402 86 |
3222341161 | Clamp cylinder | 夹钎器油缸 | 3222 3411 61 |
0501000028 | bearing | 轴承 | 0501 0000 28 |
6060014910 | Sealing sleeves | 密封套组 | 6060 0149 10 |
3222340199 | Sealing sleeves | 密封套组 | 3222 3401 99 |
3222325821 | cable | 电缆 | 3222 3258 21 |
3222331572 | hose | 软管 | 3222 3315 72 |
0574125577 | Hose set | 软管组 | 0574 1255 77 |
0574125587 | hose | 软管 | 0574 1255 87 |
0574125588 | Hose set | 软管组 | 0574 1255 88 |
0574125589 | AM-Tube | AM-管子 | 0574 1255 89 |
3176000272 | Contactors | 接触器 | 3176 0002 72 |
3222188163 | lid | 盖子 | 3222 1881 63 |
3222323245 | ball bearing | 滚珠轴承 | 3222 3232 45 |
3222989587 | Cab side window | 驾驶室侧窗口 | 3222 9895 87 |
3222989586 | Right front window fuse | 右前窗保险装置 | 3222 9895 86 |
3222989591 | Window glass | 车窗玻璃 | 3222 9895 91 |
3222989581 | Front glass | 前玻璃 | 3222 9895 81 |
3222321971 | Cable assembly | 电缆组件 | 3222 3219 71 |
9106159669 | fuse | 保险丝 | 9106 1596 69 |
5112304314 | fuse | 保险丝 | 5112 3043 14 |
3222148805 | sensor | 传感器 | 3222 1488 05 |
3216503400 | Pressure gauge | 压力表 | 3216 5034 00 |
3216000011 | Pressure gauge | 压力表 | 3216 0000 11 |
6060008990 | spring | 弹簧 | 6060 0089 90 |
1604583100 | spring | 弹簧 | 1604 5831 00 |
1604707600 | clapboard | 隔板 | 1604 7076 00 |
2911992100 | Air compressor control valve repair kit | 空压机调节阀修理包 | 2911 9921 00 |
3222323143 | Protective cover | 防护罩 | 3222 3231 43 |
3216503400 | Pressure gauge | 压力表 | 3216 5034 00 |
3177502100 | Pressure gauge | 压力表 | 3177 5021 00 |
1089045107 | Solenoid valve coil | 电磁阀线圈 | 1089 0451 07 |
3222330916 | Engine rubber pads | 发动机橡胶垫 | 3222 3309 16 |
3222361910 | Pressure sensors | 压力传感器 | 3222 3619 10 |
3222338248 | Pressure sensors | 压力传感器 | 3222 3382 48 |
5726811387 | Open air valve | 开风阀 | 5726 8113 87 |
0574025511 | Hydraulic hose | 液压油管 | 0574 0255 11 |
1604672401 | valve | 阀 | 1604 6724 01 |
3222324105 | receptacle | 插座 | 3222 3241 05 |
0347610023 | Hose clamps | 软管夹 | 0347 6100 23 |
5580003661 | Hose clamps | 软管夹 | 5580 0036 61 |
3217996322 | AM-valve | AM-阀 | 3217 9963 22 |
4350258440 | Slewing head 2000 hours overhaul kit | 回转头2000小时大修包 | 4350 2584 40 |
4350261784 | spindle | 主轴 | 4350 2617 84 |
3222326122 | Disassemble the rotating body on the stage | 拆卸台上旋转体 | 3222 3261 22 |
3222326144 | enclosure | 外壳 | 3222 3261 44 |
3222311363 | Piston rod | 活塞杆 | 3222 3113 63 |
0663616700 | O-rings | O型圈 | 0663 6167 00 |
0663617100 | O-rings | O型圈 | 0663 6171 00 |
3128302018 | gasket | 垫片 | 3128 3020 18 |
0211196335 | bolt | 螺栓 | 0211 1963 35 |
3315019512 | Anti-loose washer | 防松垫圈 | 3315 0195 12 |
6060010524 | Seal the package | 密封包 | 6060 0105 24 |
3222340120 | Seal the package | 密封包 | 3222 3401 20 |
3222328551 | Disassembly table up and down kava | 拆装台上下卡瓦 | 3222 3285 51 |
3128082907 | Disassembly table up and down kava | 拆装台上下卡瓦 | 3128 0829 07 |
3222351454 | Hydraulic cylinder | 液压油缸 | 3222 3514 54 |
3222333519 | Hydraulic cylinder | 液压油缸 | 3222 3335 19 |
3222330090 | Handrail clamps | 扶杆器夹块 | 3222 3300 90 |
6060014910 | Sealing sleeves | 密封套组 | 6060 0149 10 |
3222340199 | Sealing sleeves | 密封套组 | 3222 3401 99 |
3222340201 | Piston rod | 活塞杆 | 3222 3402 01 |
3222314399 | Seal the package | 密封包 | 3222 3143 99 |
0501000010 | bearing | 轴承 | 0501 0000 10 |
3222309380 | Regulator | 调压器 | 3222 3093 80 |
3222989587 | Cab side window | 驾驶室侧窗口 | 3222 9895 87 |
3222989586 | Right front window fuse | 右前窗保险装置 | 3222 9895 86 |
3222989591 | Window glass | 车窗玻璃 | 3222 9895 91 |
3222989581 | Front glass | 前玻璃 | 3222 9895 81 |
3222989739 | glass | 玻璃 | 3222 9897 39 |
5580027632 | Test valves | 测试阀 | 5580 0276 32 |
3222323521 | Hydraulic pump | 液压泵 | 3222 3235 21 |
3222323209 | Hydraulic pump | 液压泵 | 3222 3232 09 |
3222323686 | Gear pumps | 齿轮泵 | 3222 3236 86 |
3222342512 | Hydraulic cylinder | 液压油缸 | 3222 3425 12 |
3222331572 | hose | 软管 | 3222 3315 72 |
0501000028 | bearing | 轴承 | 0501 0000 28 |
9106159669 | fuse | 保险丝 | 9106 1596 69 |
3222349872 | Touch panel | 触控面板 | 3222 3498 72 |
3222986146 | Air filter | 空气过滤器 | 3222 9861 46 |
3222325376 | filter | 过滤器 | 3222 3253 76 |
3222325378 | filter | 过滤器 | 3222 3253 78 |
3222324642 | filter | 过滤器 | 3222 3246 42 |
3222341363 | SWIVEL | SWIVEL | 3222 3413 63 |
3216000011 | Pressure gauge | 压力表 | 3216 0000 11 |
3222148800 | sensor | 传感器 | 3222 1488 00 |
3176002631 | cable | 电缆 | 3176 0026 31 |
3176464477 | hose | 软管 | 3176 4644 77 |
3176002608 | cable | 电缆 | 3176 0026 08 |
3176000470 | cable | 电缆 | 3176 0004 70 |
3222278800 | switch | 开关 | 3222 2788 00 |
3176000272 | Contactors | 接触器 | 3176 0002 72 |
0500450133 | Flat axis | 平轴 | 0500 4501 33 |
0500450017 | bearing | 轴承 | 0500 4500 17 |
3215824600 | Bushings | 衬套 | 3215 8246 00 |
3222330377 | SAMPLER RC FIXED CONE | SAMPLER RC FIXED CONE | 3222 3303 77 |
8231085346 | O-rings | O型圈 | 8231 0853 46 |
3222325821 | cable | 电缆 | 3222 3258 21 |
3176001524 | hose | 软管 | 3176 0015 24 |
3176464305 | hose | 软管 | 3176 4643 05 |
3222311562 | liner | 衬垫 | 3222 3115 62 |
3216503400 | Pressure gauge | 压力表 | 3216 5034 00 |
1604620500 | valve | 阀 | 1604 6205 00 |
1604707600 | clapboard | 隔板 | 1604 7076 00 |
2911992100 | Air compressor control valve repair kit | 空压机调节阀修理包 | 2911 9921 00 |
3222330916 | Engine rubber pads | 发动机橡胶垫 | 3222 3309 16 |
4350266220 | Floating head assembly | 浮动头总成 | 4350 2662 20 |
4350258440 | Slewing head 2000 hours overhaul kit | 回转头2000小时大修包 | 4350 2584 40 |
3222326122 | Disassemble the rotating body on the stage | 拆卸台上旋转体 | 3222 3261 22 |
3222326144 | enclosure | 外壳 | 3222 3261 44 |
3222311363 | Piston rod | 活塞杆 | 3222 3113 63 |
0663616700 | O-rings | O型圈 | 0663 6167 00 |
0663617100 | O-rings | O型圈 | 0663 6171 00 |
3128302018 | gasket | 垫片 | 3128 3020 18 |
0211196335 | bolt | 螺栓 | 0211 1963 35 |
3315019512 | Anti-loose washer | 防松垫圈 | 3315 0195 12 |
6060010524 | Seal the package | 密封包 | 6060 0105 24 |
3222340120 | Seal the package | 密封包 | 3222 3401 20 |
6060014910 | Sealing sleeves | 密封套组 | 6060 0149 10 |
3222340199 | Sealing sleeves | 密封套组 | 3222 3401 99 |
0501000010 | bearing | 轴承 | 0501 0000 10 |
0500450065 | AM-bearings | AM-轴承 | 0500 4500 65 |
3222341730 | valve | 阀 | 3222 3417 30 |
3222341732 | valve | 阀 | 3222 3417 32 |
3222337172 | Pilot valves | 导向阀 | 3222 3371 72 |
3222335892 | cable | 电缆 | 3222 3358 92 |
3222309380 | Regulator | 调压器 | 3222 3093 80 |
3222989587 | Cab side window | 驾驶室侧窗口 | 3222 9895 87 |
3222989586 | Right front window fuse | 右前窗保险装置 | 3222 9895 86 |
3222989591 | Window glass | 车窗玻璃 | 3222 9895 91 |
3222989581 | Front glass | 前玻璃 | 3222 9895 81 |
3222319186 | Fan wheels | 风扇轮 | 3222 3191 86 |
3222043800 | valve | 阀 | 3222 0438 00 |
3216000011 | Pressure gauge | 压力表 | 3216 0000 11 |
3222338846 | chain | 链条 | 3222 3388 46 |
3222338847 | chain | 链条 | 3222 3388 47 |
3222148800 | sensor | 传感器 | 3222 1488 00 |
3176002631 | cable | 电缆 | 3176 0026 31 |
3176002608 | cable | 电缆 | 3176 0026 08 |
3176000470 | cable | 电缆 | 3176 0004 70 |
3222323686 | Gear pumps | 齿轮泵 | 3222 3236 86 |
3222323209 | Hydraulic pump | 液压泵 | 3222 3232 09 |
3222323143 | Protective cover | 防护罩 | 3222 3231 43 |
3176000272 | Contactors | 接触器 | 3176 0002 72 |
9106159669 | fuse | 保险丝 | 9106 1596 69 |
5112304314 | fuse | 保险丝 | 5112 3043 14 |
3222326896 | Two-way check valve | 双向止回阀 | 3222 3268 96 |
1089045107 | Solenoid valve coil | 电磁阀线圈 | 1089 0451 07 |
3222326498 | Control lever bracket | 控制杆支架 | 3222 3264 98 |
3222325376 | filter | 过滤器 | 3222 3253 76 |
9106219201 | Pressure switch | 压力开关 | 9106 2192 01 |
3222323990 | Adhesive pads | 胶垫 | 3222 3239 90 |
3222319460 | Dust collection tube | 收尘管 | 3222 3194 60 |
3222319459 | Dust collection tube | 收尘管 | 3222 3194 59 |
0500450133 | Flat axis | 平轴 | 0500 4501 33 |
0500450017 | bearing | 轴承 | 0500 4500 17 |
3215824600 | Bushings | 衬套 | 3215 8246 00 |
8231085346 | O-rings | O型圈 | 8231 0853 46 |
3115182201 | diaphragm | 膜片 | 3115 1822 01 |
3115376800 | Nitrogen-filled valve | 充氮阀 | 3115 3768 00 |
3115192602 | diaphragm | 膜片 | 3115 1926 02 |
3217894510 | Pressure regulating valve | 压力调节阀 | 3217 8945 10 |
9106187614 | switch | 开关 | 9106 1876 14 |
3115519000 | Cup seal | 杯形密封 | 3115 5190 00 |
3115233300 | Cup seal | 杯形密封 | 3115 2333 00 |
3115302400 | Wiper | 雨刮器 | 3115 3024 00 |
3115923894 | Rock drill repair kit | 凿岩机修理包 | 3115 9238 94 |
3128303930 | Slider | 滑块 | 3128 3039 30 |
3128045810 | Slide | 滑轨 | 3128 0458 10 |
5112310920 | block | 块 | 5112 3109 20 |
3128047510 | rubber | 橡胶 | 3128 0475 10 |
3115534020 | Stop ring | 止动环 | 3115 5340 20 |
3128078430 | pulley | 滑轮 | 3128 0784 30 |
3128048600 | pipe | 管子 | 3128 0486 00 |
3128317617 | key | 键 | 3128 3176 17 |
5590021543 | Hydraulic pump | 液压泵 | 5590 0215 43 |
9106079662 | Hydraulic pump | 液压泵 | 9106 0796 62 |
5540266200 | AM-Ring | AM环 | 5540 2662 00 |
5542022400 | AMPart | 安帕特 | 5542 0224 00 |
5540266100 | AMBearing | 琥珀林 | 5540 2661 00 |
5540266400 | AMCover | AMCover | 5540 2664 00 |
Dear, Good day
We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
other conditions for the supply of the material described below:
Item Description
04 – UNTS
1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO
HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
Payment conditions
Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
Send Certificates (if applicable)
Weight and dimensions estimate
King regards,
Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.
Добрый день просим рассмотреть возможность поставки фильтров на компрессор ZH 7000-6-7(р/комплекты,фильтры, сепаратор, клапана)
Dear Sir or madam, thanks, please send us by email with the part numbers for ZH7000 Atlas Copco Air Compressors, we are looking forward to quoting you for your RFQs.
Добрый день, жду сообщений по поставке расходников
Thank you, please provide the part numbers, air compressor name plate by email to us: pa***@ai*****************.com.
Уважаемый Господин или Госпожа
Может ли ваша компания поставлять детали для центробежных воздушных компрессоров Ingersoll Rand? Для таких моделей, как Centac 400, C700E и т. д., а также запасных частей для безмасляных воздушных компрессоров Atlas Copco. Если да, то как быстро вы можете отправить нам продукцию и насколько надежна ваша продукция, если мы принимаем только оригинальные запасные части?
Dear Sir or madam, Thank you very much for leaving comment on our website. Our company offer MANY GENUINE ORIGINAL parts for all top brands of air compressors like Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, and yes, we do serve centrifugal air compressors spare parts. You can compare our prices if based on 100% Genuine original parts. Thanks and hope we can communicate in email via English if possible. Kind regards, Team from CPMC, China.
I would like to request a Parts List Manual for Atlas Copco G55, We are planning to purchase PM parts for our compressor.
Your immediate response is highly appreciated.
Robert Arano
PDEC Co. (Purtlev Dynamics Engineering Company)
86 Hemedez Coumpound, Brgy. Sala Cabuyao Laguna Philippines
(049) 560 6264
Dear Robert, can you please send email to us with the compressor nameplate and so we can try to check the related user manual and see if we can get the part numbers for the PM parts. our email address: pa***@ai*****************.com (miss Wendy) or in*****@ai*****************.com (miss JoJo). Thank you for your inquiry and best regards, CPMC service team!
S No Description Part Number
1 Cooler Kit 3001531121
2 O-RING 0663210968
3 Seal Washer 0661100038
4 RING INTERNAL 1635051200
5 PROFILE, 1635051400
6 SEAL GASKET 1635051500
7 O RING 1623172600
8 COOLER AFTER 1635051900
9 CORE COOLER, AIR 1635051600
10 CORE COOLER, OIL 1635127300
11 O RING 0663210612
12 O RING 0663210968
Can someone please share prices and availibility.
Dear Kamran
Good morning and happy new Year 2025! We well received your message and our team will check and quote to you asap in this holiday period.
Kind regards