Atlas Copco Common Maintenance 8000H-16000H Service Kit Catalog

2906 0800 00 GENUINE Maintenance Kit ZR250315VSD CPMC China

When you are looking for Genuine Original Atlas Copco part parts such as coolers, 8000 hours service kits, 16000H service kit, etc,, here with CPMC China, our service team keep updating with the latest and common spare parts in high demand for ZR ZT series or any other rotary screw compressors. Feel free to contact one of the most reliable Atlas Copco genuine parts supplier CPMC NOW by online RFQ inquiries.

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    Atlas Copco Service Kits with Listing Prices in Domestic China

    2906084300 ZT55-90+IMD2608000H KIT 1 ¥20,746.57
    2906084400 ZT55-90+MD260 16000H KIT 1 ¥30,037.15
    2908851400 ROTO-GLIDE GREEN 1 ¥246.74
    8102042630 EWD1500C 22050/60 ¥15,203.00
    1635496500 COOLER OIL 1 ¥64,946.30
    2906044900 ZR300-425 4000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥14,362.10
    1617538006 SEAL RING MD600-1000 ¥5,722.33
    1617505153 ROTOR ¥338,666.87
    1617505401 SEAL RING MD600/1000 1 ¥45,645.72
    2906083500 MD600/1300(W)VSD OVERHAUL KIT 1 ¥99,541.94
    1617533051 COOLER KIT CU-FREE 14FINS ¥102,910.83
    2906032500 MD600-1000 AIR VALVE KIT ¥2,305.49
    2906080900 MD1000-1300W 8000H MAINTKIT ¥24,461.92
    2906073900 ZRIZT 110-315 4000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥4,289.92
    2906074100 ZRIZT 110-145 8000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥15.912.50
    2906074300 ZR/ZT 110-145 16000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥26,275.40
    2908851400 ROTO-GLIDE GREEN 1 ¥246.74
    1621962700 to be updated by Atlas Copco
    2906074300 ZRIZT 110-145 16000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥26,275.40
    2906906100 ZH6000 GEARBOXINSPECTION KIT 1 ¥2,452.99
    2906906800 ZH6000 3ST DRIVE SHAFT SEAL KI 1 ¥2,743.53
    2906904400 ZH4000 MAIN OIL PUMP KIT ¥15.881.56
    2906905000 ZH4000/2IMPELLERINSPECTKIT 1 ¥5.090.76
    2906903300 ZH4000 GEARBOX INSPECTION KIT 1 ¥2,360.36
    2906903800 ZH4000 DRIVE SHAFT SEAL KIT 1 ¥2,313.21
    2906064500 ZR500VSD 16000H MAINTKIT ¥76,878.12
    1630990278 FILTER PACK 1 ¥1,156.76
    2230004100 KIT SERVICE 1 ¥3,970.21
    2230004101 KIT SERVICE 1 ¥3,970.21
    2901067300 SET OF WEARING PARTS 1 ¥1378.81
    2906080900 MD1000-1300W 8000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥24,461.92
    2906101500 shaft seal kit 1 ¥6.405.19
    2906097200 GA90/160 C190 ELEMENT EXCH KIT ¥3,583.72
    0634100163 GASKET 1 ¥2,672.02
    0634100098 GASKET 1 ¥1.669.38
    2901064500 SET OFWEARING PARTS 1 ¥2124.62
    2906074100 ZR/ZT 110-145 8000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥15,912.50
    2906073900 ZR/ZT 110-315 4000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥4,289.92
    2906064500 ZR500VSD 16000H MAINTKIT ¥76,878.12
    1630990278 FILTER PACK 1 ¥1,156.76
    2230004100 KIT SERVICE 1 ¥3,970.21
    2230004101 KIT SERVICE 1 ¥3,970.21
    2901067300 SET OF WEARING PARTS 1 ¥1378.81
    2906080900 MD1000-1300W 8000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥24,461.92
    2906101500 shaft seal kit 1 ¥6.405.19
    2906097200 GA90/160 C190 ELEMENT EXCH KIT ¥3,583.72
    0634100163 GASKET 1 ¥2,672.02
    0634100098 GASKET 1 ¥1.669.38
    2901064500 SET OFWEARING PARTS 1 ¥2124.62
    1622318700 COOLER GA30 ¥38,977.13
    1617506800 SEALING SECTOR MD600/1000 ¥19,869.26
    1617506010 DEMISTER MD600-1300 1 ¥5,578.00
    1617507300 VALVE SEALING MD1800/2500 1 ¥194.03
    1617507900 VALVE MD600/1000 1 ¥1,433.87
    2906032500 MD600-1000 AIR VALVE KIT 1 ¥2,305.49
    1616740890 to be updated by Atlas Copco
    1616740990OSM-08 SERVICE 1 ¥120,731.02 elements Exchange
    1616747281 OF.S.1-41 ¥272,812.27 Exchange elements Exchange
    1616753590 SERVICE ELEMENT OIS F-09(C55*) ¥0.01 elements
    1616754090 STAGE 1 ¥276,869.39 elements
    1616756081 to be updated by Atlas Copco
    1616761290 O.I.S.J-34 SERVICE ELEMENT 1 ¥154,707.92 Exchange elements
    1617505053 ROTOR 1 ¥240,536.97 Parts
    1617505153 ROTOR 1 ¥338,666.87 Parts
    1617505173 rotor 1 ¥259,792.29 Parts
    1617511523 Dispatch/DC2000) item not supplied as spare part(see comment in ¥59,511.74 Parts
    1617526553ROTOR 1 ¥402,099.77 Parts
    1617526573 ROTOR ¥440,395.00 Parts
    1617555275 to be updated by Atlas Copco
    1621408500CONNECTION 1 ¥4,123.57 Parts
    1320408326 ROTOR ASSY STG350HZ 1 ¥396,303.12 Parts
    1320408327 ROTOR ASSY STG350HZ 1 ¥396,303.12 Parts
    1320408328 ROTOR ASSY 1 ¥487,796.64 Parts
    1320408331 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STG AV4000 1 ¥432,476.45 Parts
    1320408332 ROTOR ASSY STG360HZ 1 ¥580,228.06 Parts
    1320408333 ROTOR ASSY STG3 1 ¥580,228.06 Parts
    1320408344 ROTOR ASSY STG360HZ 1 ¥428,305.83 Parts
    1320408348 ROTOR ASSY STG3 1 ¥432,476.45 Parts
    1320408351 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STG AV4000 1 ¥580,228.06 Parts
    1320408353 ROTOR ASSY STG360HZ 1 ¥432,476.45 Parts
    1320408356 ROTOR ASSY STG360HZ 1 ¥428,305.83 Parts
    1320408368 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STG AV6000 FC3 1 ¥309,132.09 Parts
    1320409406 ROTOR/BRG KIT 1 ¥86,162.72 Parts
    1320409449 ZH9000/15000 ROTOR/BRGKIT 1 ¥58,483.56 Parts
    1320409452 ZH26000ROTOR/BEARING SHIM KIT 1 ¥166,007.58 Parts
    1320409920 to be updated by Atlas Copco
    1320773786 ROTOR ASSY ¥502,766.71 Parts
    1320773791 ROTOR ASSY ¥471,204.69 Parts
    1320773798 ROTOR ASSY 1.055,416.24 Parts ¥ Parts
    1320773799 ROTOR ASSY 1.602,926.92
    1320773806 ROTOR ASSY ¥ 1,052,964.48 Parts
    1320408252 ROTOR ASSY STG3 1 ¥632.782.78 Parts
    1320408256 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STG AV9000 1 ¥552,620.97 Parts
    1320408257 ROTORASSYSTG3 1 ¥626,672.18 Parts
    1320408264 to be updated by Atlas Copco
    1320408269 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STG AV9000 1 ¥633,547.85 Parts
    1320408284 ROTORASSYSTG3 1 ¥596,498.20 Parts
    1320408295 ROTOR ASSY STG3 ¥669,178.78 Parts
    1320408301 ROTOR ASSY STG350HZ 1 ¥377,431.54 Parts
    1320408303 ROTOR ASSY STG3 50HZ 1 ¥233,162.05 Parts
    1320408304 ROTORASSY STG3 1 ¥396,303.12 Parts
    1320408306 ROTOR ASSY STG3 50HZ 1 ¥592.762.89 Parts
    1320408307 ROTOR ASSY STG350HZ 1 ¥396,303.12 Parts
    1320408311 ROTOR ASSY STG3 50HZ 1 ¥396,303.12 Parts
    1320408316 ROTOR ASSY STG350HZ 1 ¥399,018.07 Parts
    1320408317 ROTOR ASSYSTG350HZ 1 ¥396,303.12 Parts
    1320408321 ROTOR 3RDSTAGE ¥434,307.89 Parts
    1320408322 ROTOR ASSY STG350HZ 1 ¥396,303.12 Parts
    1320408323 ROTOR ASSY STG350HZ 1 ¥404,127.77 Parts
    1320408326 ROTOR ASSY STG3 50HZ ¥396,303.12 Parts
    1320408327 ROTOR ASSY STG350HZ 1 ¥396,303.12 Parts
    1320408328 ROTORASSY ¥487.796.64Parts
    1320408147 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 60HZ 1 ¥440,676.69 Parts
    1320408148 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 60HZ ¥475,265.37 Parts
    1320408150 ROTOR ASSY STAGE360HZ ¥440,676.69 Parts
    1320408151 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 60HZ 1 ¥449,711.47 Parts
    1320408152 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 60HZ 1 ¥440,676.69 Parts
    1320408153 ROTOR ASSY STAGE360HZ 1 ¥472.197.04 Parts
    1320408155 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 60HZ 1 ¥462.710.52 Parts
    1320408162 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STAGE AV4000 1 ¥590,304.96 Parts
    1320408211 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STAGE AV9000 1 ¥553207.04 Parts
    1320408212 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 1 ¥564.597.38 Parts
    1320408213 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 1 ¥563,433.22 Parts
    1320408215 ROTOR ASSY STG3 1 ¥593.935.02 Parts
    1320408220 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 1 ¥583,766.61 Parts
    1320408223 ROTOR ASSY ZH15000 3RD 1 ¥153,708.83 Parts
    1320408224 ROTOR ASSY STAGE 3 1 ¥553,207.04 Parts
    1320408225 ROTOR ASSY STAGE 3AV9000 1 ¥564.597.38 Parts
    1320408226 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STG 1 ¥564,597.38 Parts
    1320408227 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STG AV9000 1 ¥564.597.38 Parts
    1320408237 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STG AV9000 1 ¥632,782.78 Parts
    1320408238 ROTOR ASSY 3RD STG COMPLETE 1 ¥632.782.78 Parts
    1320407660 ROTORASSY 1ST/2ND STG AV9000 1 ¥ 1,205,097.13 Parts 1 ¥962,259.30 Parts
    1320407750 ROTOR ASSY ¥1320407753ROTOR ASSY 1ST/2ND STAGE 1 1,453,640.59 Parts
    1320407772 ROTOR ASSY1ST/2ND STG AV9000 1,496,704.52 Parts
    1320408016 ROTOR ASSY STAGE 50HZ ¥473,432.17 Parts
    1320408019 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 50HZ ¥477,986.84 Parts
    1320408108 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 50HZ 1 ¥424,332.04 Parts
    1320408111 ROTOR ASSY STAGE350HZ 1 ¥416,080.81 Parts
    1320408112 ROTORASSY STAGE350HZ 1 ¥428,512.66 Parts
    1320408113 ROTOR ASSY STAGE350HZ ¥239,082.16 Parts
    1320408116 ROTOR ASSY STAGE350HZ 1 ¥424,332.04 Parts
    1320408118 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 50HZ ¥239,082.16 Parts
    1320408122 ROTOR ASSYSTAGE350HZ 1 ¥297,983.85 Parts
    1320408123 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 50HZ 1 ¥445.548.64 Parts
    1320408125 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 50HZ 1 ¥460.846.41 Parts
    1320408133 ROTOR ASSY STAGE 60HZ ¥147.845.62 Parts
    1320408139 ROTOR ASSY STAGE360HZ 1 ¥592,307.13 Parts
    1320408140 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 60HZ ¥239.082.16 Parts
    1320408141 ROTOR ASSY STAGE 60HZ 1 ¥444,967.18 Parts
    1320408142 ROTOR ASSY STAGE3 60HZ 1 ¥440,676.69 Parts
    2906044900 ZR300-425 4000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥14,362.10
    2906080900 MD1000-1300W 8000H MAINT KIT 1 ¥24,461.92
    1617505173 ROTOR 1 ¥259,792.29
    1630058902 FILTER AIR 1 ¥369.66 Parts
    1616677081 O.F.S.E-21 1 ¥155.967.00 Exchange ele
    1635674000 FAN RADIAL ¥33,489.13 Parts
    2906084500 ZT55-90+IMD260 OVERHAULKIT 1 ¥90.057.59 Service Kits/F
    1621081500 BUFFER ¥797.20 Parts
    1619518901 VIBR.DAMPER 1 ¥733.21 Parts
    1622507381 AIR FILTER ¥2,148.06
    1613740800 AIR FILTER ELEMENT 1 ¥1,088.71
    2903752501 FILTER OIL 1 ¥435.20
    1613935780 WSD 80(16 BAR)SF D 1 ¥12,973.64
    2903752600 OIL FILTER 8000H 1 ¥777.64
    1625769100 FILTER AIR NLG15-15 1 ¥2,649.85
    2901162600 OIL SEPARATOR KIT GA30-55 1 ¥4,108.63
    1613935780 WSD80(16 BAR)SFD 1 ¥12,973.64
    1092001926 SAFETYVALVE-ENG 1 ¥555.43
    1613935780 WSD80(16 BAR) SF D 1 ¥12,973.64
    1622507381 AIR FILTER 1 ¥2,148.06
    1613740800 AIR FILTER ELEMENT 1 ¥1,088.71
    2903752501 FILTER OIL 1 ¥435.20
    1613935780 WSD 80(16 BAR)SF D 1 ¥12,973.64
    1613688000 产品未找到.
    1613740800 AIR FILTER ELEMENT 1 ¥1,088.71
    1622507381 AIR FILTER 1 ¥2148.06
    1613740800 AIR FILTER ELEMENT 1 ¥1,088.71
    2903752501 FILTER OIL 1 ¥435.20
    1613935780 WSD 80(16 BAR) SF D 1 ¥12,973.64

    1503613060 FILTER KIT China Listing Price ¥1,215.66 Service Kits/Packs
    1616718787 STAGE China Listing Price ¥533,387.46 Exchange elements
    1900520022 ELEKTRONIKON MK5 GRAPHIC PLUS China Listing Price ¥14,308.98 Parts
    2903013900 GREASE PUMP SETChina Listing Price ¥2,279.31 Parts
    2906041100 ZT110-145 16000H MAINT KIT China Listing Price¥26,538.85 Service Kits/Packs
    2906056300 GA90-160(W) UNLOAD.VALVE KIT China Listing Price ¥7,493.94 Service Kits/Packs
    1619756000 THERMOSTAT 40°C China Listing Price ¥2,199.00 Parts
    1089062110 SOLENOID VALVE China Listing Price ¥1,163.34 Parts
    2906084300 ZT55-90+IMD260 8000H KIT China Listing Price ¥20,746.57 Service Kits/Packs
    2906066500 ZR/T 55-90 4000H MAINTEN KIT ¥6,330.08 Service Kits/Packs
    1617538010 SEAL RING China Listing Price ¥4.040.62 Parts
    1089962501 DP TRANSDUCER China Listing Price ¥4,335.44 Parts
    2236026400 CABLE ADAPTOR PRESS SENSOR China Listing Price ¥732.53 Parts
    1089962513 SENSOR PRESS China Listing Price ¥2,829.32 Parts
    1089057470 SENSOR China Listing Price ¥1,406.53 Parts
    1622000900 BUSHING China Listing Price ¥906.71 Parts
    2901500510 SHAFT SEAL KIT GA15-30VSD Atlas Copco China Listing Price ¥3,054.48 Service Kits/Packs
    2903775400 SEPARATOR OIL SPARE PART 1 ¥2,617.94 Parts
    2901920010 AIR/OILFILTER KIT RIF China Listing Price ¥3,110.58 Service Kits/Packs
    2901920040 OSE/SCAVENGE LINE KIT Atlas Copco Genuine Part ¥4,638.85 Service Kits/Packs
    2901030200 INLET VALVE GA90VSD Atlas Copco Genuine Part ¥4,067.18 Service Kits/Packs
    2901030200 INLETVALVE GAOVSD Atlas Copco Genuine Part ¥4,067.18 Service Kits/Packs
    8102041947 EWD330 220 50/60 Atlas Copco Genuine Part ¥8,126.14 Products
    2906073900 ZR/ZT 110-315 4000H MAINT KIT Atlas Copco Genuine Part ¥4.289.92 Service Kits/Packs
    1614874799 OIL FILTER Atlas Copco Genuine Part ¥1.168.44 Parts
    1624163305 PD6 FILTER KIT Atlas Copco Genuine Part ¥923.88 Parts
    2906080000 ZR160-315VSD8000H MAINT KIT ¥18.291.32 Service Kits/Packs
    2906080200 ZR160-315VSD 16000H MAINT KIT ¥37,271.93 Service Kits/Packs
    1619646704 SET RUBBERS (4 PCS) Atlas Copco Genuine Part ¥17,240.09 Parts
    2906039900 ZR160-275 16000H MAINT KIT Atlas Copco Genuine Part Price ¥50.623.65

    Atlas Copco 8000 Hours Service Kit Common Spare Parts Catalog

    2906053300 8000 hour repair kit
    2906053400 8000 hour repair kit
    2906053500 8000 hour repair kit
    2906055500 8000 hour repair kit
    2906057400 8000 hour repair kit
    2906057410 8000 hour repair kit
    2906057500 8000 hour repair kit
    2906057510 8000 hour repair kit
    2906059300 8000 hour repair kit
    2906059310 8000 hour repair kit
    2906060600 8000 hour repair kit
    2906064400 8000 hour repair kit
    2906066600 8000 hour repair kit
    2906067400 8000 hour repair kit
    2906069700 8000 hour repair kit
    2906074100 8000 hour repair kit
    2906074900 8000 hour repair kit
    2906075500 8000 hour repair kit
    2906075600 8000 hour repair kit
    2906075700 8000 hour repair kit
    2906075800 8000 hour repair kit
    2906077800 8000 hour repair kit
    2906080000 8000 hour repair kit
    2906080100 8000 hour repair kit
    2906080600 8000 hour repair kit
    2906080900 8000 hour repair kit
    2906081400 8000 hour maintenance kit
    2906082200 8000 hour repair kit
    2906082600 8000 hour repair kit
    2906083300 8000 hour repair kit
    2906084200 8000 hour repair kit
    2906084700 8000 hour repair kit
    2906088700 8000 hour repair kit
    2906088710 8000 hour repair kit
    2906090400 8000 hour repair kit
    2906090410 8000 hour repair kit
    2906091000 8000 hour repair kit
    2906092200 8000 hour repair kit
    2906092210 8000 hour repair kit
    2906092600 8000 hour repair kit
    2906092610 8000 hour repair kit
    2906099000 8000 hours maintenance
    1901901773 8000H maintenance kit
    2906002300 8000H maintenance kit
    2906004000 8000H maintenance kit
    2906023600 8000H maintenance kit
    2906023700 8000H maintenance kit
    2906025000 8000H maintenance kit
    2906029000 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906034100 8000H maintenance kit
    2906065200 8000H maintenance kit
    2205490570 8000 hours maintenance package
    2205490571 8000 hours maintenance package
    2901083700 8000 hours maintenance package
    2901160100 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906019500 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906083600 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906084300 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906088500 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906089800 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906089900 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906090500 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906091400 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906091500 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906091800 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906091900 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906092300 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906092700 8000 hours maintenance package
    2906098100 8000 hours maintenance package
    3003158880 8000 hours maintenance kit IRN55K-75K
    2205490573 8000 hours maintenance package (42X42X50)
    2205490574 8000 hours maintenance kit (60X60X42)
    3003828780 8000-hour maintenance package 42568378
    2901063320 8000 hours valve maintenance kit (o-ring*8, seal*1, spring*1, spool*1)
    2901174900 8000 hours service parts kit
    3001501008 8000 hours service parts kit
    2906020700 8000 hours or 2 years maintenance kit
    2906010400 8000 hours or every 2 years maintenance kit
    2205490870 8000 hours maintenance package
    1901901764 8000 hours maintenance kit
    1901901767 8000 hours maintenance kit
    1901901770 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2205552130 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2205552131 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2205554072 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2205557009 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906008500 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906011200 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906013600 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906015000 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906018300 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906026400 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906030500 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906031600 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906031900 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906032700 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906034400 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906034401 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906038300 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906039800 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906041000 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906042900 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906045000 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906049300 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906052300 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906052400 8000 hours maintenance kit
    2906052700 8000 hours maintenance package, Filter Element (1202625502-2901019000), Atlas Copco Filter element DD6 2901019000
    Atlas Copco Filter element PD6 2901019500 


    Service kit 2906088500 Atlas Copco
    2901990056 GA315-500W 13BAR 8000H Kit
    Service kit 2912439106 Atlas Copco
    Repair kit 2912 4430 05 for XAVS 396 CD
    Service kit 2912439106 Atlas Copco
    Service kit 2912439106 Atlas Copco
    Pipeline, art. 1622379881 Atlas Copco
    80 Thermostat 2901586901 Atlas Copco
    2906 0199 00 2 Oil filter kit (for max 10bar)
    0653 1046 00● Flatgasket
    0653 1100 00 ● Flat gasket
    0661 1000 25 6 Seal washer nipple
    0661 1000 27● Seal washer
    0661 1000 29● Seal washer
    0661 1000 30● Seal Washer
    0661 1000 31 Oil filler plug washer
    1614 7273 99 ● Oil filter element
    2906 0201 00 2 Min. pressure valvekit
    0663 2106 58● 0-ring
    1614 7279 00 ● Washer
    1619 6199 00 Sealring
    2254 9215 00● Lockplate
    2906 0432 00 Seal washer kit
    0653 1041 00● 6 Flat gasket
    0653 1062 00● 8 Flat gasket
    0653 1100 00● Flat gasket
    0653 1124 00 ● 6 Flat gasket
    0653 1254 00. Flat gasket
    0653 1293 00● 5 Flat gasket
    0661 1000 24 4 Seal washer
    0661 1000 25● 15 Seal washer
    0661 1000 26 8 Seal washer
    0661 1000 27 ● 12 Seal washer
    0661 1000 29● Seal washer
    0661 1000 30 5 Seal washer
    0661 1000 31 Seal washer
    0661 1000 32 Seal washer
    0661 1000 33● 3 Seal washer
    2906 0591 00 1 Kit for flexmaster joint on oil separator
    0291 1114 00 Locknut
    0306 200010● Washer
    1614 8926 00● Absorber
    1614 9513 00 Rubber joint
    2906 0693 00 2 Check valve kit
    0661 1000 30● Seal washer
    0663 2102 89 O-ring
    0663 2111 58● 1 O-ring
    0663 2111 66 ● 3 O-ring
    0663 2106 58 ● 1 O-ring
    0663 2109 68 ·1 O-ring
    1614 8977 00● Check valve
    1614 8978 00 ●1 Spring
    2906 0694 00 2 Oil stop valve kit
    0663 2111 67 O-ring
    0663 2106 18●0663 2106 571 O-ring O-ring
    1614 8979 00● 1 Spring
    2906 0588 00 2 Oil separator element kit
    0663 2106 19 ● O-ring
    0663 2109 45 2 0-ring
    1621 9521 99 1 Oil separator element
    0663 2106 20 1 O-ring
    2906 0591 00·1 Flexmaster joint kit
    2906 0769 00 1 Compressor element
    overhaul kit
    0101 1951 67 2 Stud
    0211 1407 00 6 Cap screw
    0508 1100 87 2 Bearing
    0663 2111 41 1 O-ring
    2 Cooler kit
    1092 0147 00 8 O-Ring
    1092 0147 00 4 O-Ring
    2 Cooler kit
    1617 5101 00 8 O-Ring
    0663 2103 31 4 O-Ring
    2906 0586 00 2 Oil filter kit for 13 bar(e) unit
    0661 1000 25 6 Seal washer
    0661 1000 27 Seal washer
    0661 1000 29● 1 Seal washer
    0661 1000 31 ● 1 Seal washer
    0661 1000 30● 1 Seal washer
    1614806599 3 Oil filter element
    2906 0770 00 1 Air/oil filter kit (for max 10bar)
    2906 0199 00 2 Oil filter kit
    1621 5742 99 3 Air filter element
    2906 0771 00 Air/oil filter kit (for 13 bar(e) unit)
    2906 0586 00 2 Oil filter kit
    1621 5742 99 3 Air filter element
    2906 0772 00 1 Unloading valve service kit
    0661 1000 31● Seal washer
    0663 2103 22 ● 2 O-ring
    1621 2221 00●1 Seal
    1621 2222 00 ● 1 Bearing
    1621 2225 00 ● 1 Seal
    1621 2226 00 ● Seal
    1621 2227 00●1 Bearing
    2906 0773 00 1 Drive shaft sealring kit
    0663 2106 161 O-ring
    0663 2107 24● O-ring
    1621 2123 00● 1 Bushing
    1621 4835 00 ● 1 Seal
    2906 0774 00 1 RH compressor element
    installation kit (right seen from the element side)
    0211 1409 00 ●3 Cap screw
    0337 0009 46 ●1 Key
    0663 2102 89 ● 1 O-ring
    0663 2103 22 ●1 O-ring
    0663 2106 10●3 O-ring
    0663 2106 16 ● 1 O-ring
    0663 2111 58 1 O-ring
    0663 2111 65● 1 O-ring
    0663 2111 66 O-ring
    1621 0424 00 1 Seal
    1621 2207 00 1 Bushing
    1621 2210 00 1 Gasket
    2906 0776 00 1 Gearbox overhaul kit
    0211 1480 00 ●10 Cap screw
    0506 0100 15 ·1 Bearing
    0506 0100 161 Bearing
    0663 2109 74●1 O-ring
    2906 0777 00 1 4000 hrs maintenance kit
    (for max 10 bar(e) units)
    0661 1000 30·2 Seal washer
    0663 2102 89 ●2 O-ring
    0663 2106 58 ● 2 O-ring
    0663 2109 68 ● 2 O-ring
    0663 2111 58 · 2 O-ring
    0663 2111 66 · 6 O-ring
    1614 8978 00 ● 2 Spring
    2906 0201 002 valve kit
    2906 0694 00 ·2 Oil stop valve kit
    2906 0770 00 ·1 Air/oil filter kit
    2906 0887 00 1 8000 hrs maintenance kit
    (for max 10 bar(e) units)
    0663 2107 772 O-ring thermostatic valve
    2906 0201 002 Min. pressure valve kit
    2906 0693 00 2 Check valve kit
    2906 0694 00 ●2 Oil stop valve kit
    2906 0588 00 2 Oil separator element kit
    2906 0770 00● Air/oil filter kit
    2906 0772 00● 2 Unloading valve kit
    2906 0884 00 1 4000 hrs maintenance kit
    (for max 13 bar(e) units)
    0661 1000 30 2 Seal washer
    0663 2102 89 O-ring
    0663 2106 58 2 O-ring
    0663 2109 68 O-ring
    0663 2111 58 O-ring
    0663 2111 66 6 O-ring
    1614 8978 002 Spring
    2906 0201 00 kit
    2906 0694 00 2 Oil stop valve kit
    2906 0889 00 8000 hrs maintenance kit
    (for max 13 bar(e) units)
    0663 2107 77 2 O-ring thermostatic valve
    2906 0201 00· 2 Min. pressure valve kit
    2906 0693 00 2 Check valve kit
    2906 0694 00 · Oil stop valve kit
    2906 0588 00 · 2 Oil separator element kit
    2906 0771 00· 1 Air/oil filter kit
    2906 0772 00 2 Unloading valve kit
    2906 0888 00 1 Overhaul kit for max10 bar
    2906 0890 00 1 Overhaul kit for 13 bar
    2906 0775 00 LH compressor element
    installation kit (left seen from the element side)
    0211 1409 00 3 Cap screw
    0337 0009 46 1 Key
    0663 2102 89 1 -ring
    0663 2103 22 1 O-ring
    0663 2107 82 O-ring
    0663 2111 58 1 O-ring
    0663 2111 65 1 O-ring
    0663 2111 66 3 O-ring

    99 thoughts on “Atlas Copco Common Maintenance 8000H-16000H Service Kit Catalog

    1. Dan Schwartman says:

      Dear, Good day

      We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
      other conditions for the supply of the material described below:

      Item Description

      04 – UNTS

      1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO

      HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
      Payment conditions
      Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
      Send Certificates (if applicable)
      Weight and dimensions estimate

      King regards,

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.

    2. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

      Добрый день просим рассмотреть возможность поставки фильтров на компрессор ZH 7000-6-7(р/комплекты,фильтры, сепаратор, клапана)

    3. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

      Добрый день, жду сообщений по поставке расходников

    4. Кузнецова says:

      Уважаемый Господин или Госпожа
      Может ли ваша компания поставлять детали для центробежных воздушных компрессоров Ingersoll Rand? Для таких моделей, как Centac 400, C700E и т. д., а также запасных частей для безмасляных воздушных компрессоров Atlas Copco. Если да, то как быстро вы можете отправить нам продукцию и насколько надежна ваша продукция, если мы принимаем только оригинальные запасные части?

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Dear Sir or madam, Thank you very much for leaving comment on our website. Our company offer MANY GENUINE ORIGINAL parts for all top brands of air compressors like Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, and yes, we do serve centrifugal air compressors spare parts. You can compare our prices if based on 100% Genuine original parts. Thanks and hope we can communicate in email via English if possible. Kind regards, Team from CPMC, China.

    5. Robert Arano says:

      I would like to request a Parts List Manual for Atlas Copco G55, We are planning to purchase PM parts for our compressor.

      Your immediate response is highly appreciated.


      Robert Arano

      PDEC Co. (Purtlev Dynamics Engineering Company)
      86 Hemedez Coumpound, Brgy. Sala Cabuyao Laguna Philippines
      (049) 560 6264

    6. Kamran Hashim says:

      S No Description Part Number
      1 Cooler Kit 3001531121
      2 O-RING 0663210968
      3 Seal Washer 0661100038
      4 RING INTERNAL 1635051200
      5 PROFILE, 1635051400
      6 SEAL GASKET 1635051500
      7 O RING 1623172600
      8 COOLER AFTER 1635051900
      9 CORE COOLER, AIR 1635051600
      10 CORE COOLER, OIL 1635127300
      11 O RING 0663210612
      12 O RING 0663210968
      Can someone please share prices and availibility.

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