Atlas Copco GA30|GA37| GA45| GA55C|GA30W| GA37W| GA45W| GA55C W Stationary Air Compressors Spare Parts

Atlas GA30VSD+ air compressor and spare parts China dealer

Where can I find the genuine Atlas Copco spare parts? The answer is in the following list Atlas Copco GA30|GA37| GA45| GA55C|GA30W| GA37W| GA45W| GA55C W Stationary Air Compressors Spare Parts Catalog. Just connect with us and If you have any questions, send the below.

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    Atlas Copco GA30|GA37| GA45| GA55C|GA30W| GA37W| GA45W| GA55C W 


    Parts Number  Parts Name
    1613 2355 00 Body 1613235500
    1613 2359 00 Piston 1613235900
    0686 3716 07 Hexagon plug 0686371607
    0661 1000 44 Seal washer 0661100044
    1613 2356 00 Valve 1613235600
    1613 2357 00 Compr. spring 1613235700
    1613 8140 00 Nipple 1613814000
    0661 1000 44 Seal washer 0661100044
    0686 3716 47 Hexagon plug 0686371647
    0661 1000 39 Seal washer 0661100039
    0663 3120 00 O-ring 0663312000
    0663 7135 00 O-ring 0663713500
    0147 1336 03 Hexagon bolt 0147133603
    1613 7960 00 Valve housing 1613796000
    0686 3716 38 Hexagon plug 0686371638
    0661 1000 40 Seal washer 0661100040
    1202 6139 00 Valve 1202613900
    1613 5165 00 Spring 1613516500
    0663 7138 00 O-ring 0663713800
    0663 2107 77 O-ring 0663210777
    0147 1374 03 Hexagon bolt 0147137403
    0101 1951 40 Pin 0101195140
    0147 1365 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136503
    1613 8699 00 Bushing 1613869900
    1613 8166 00 Bushing 1613816600
    1613 9827 00 Coupling half 1613982700
    0337 6068 00 Parallel key 0337606800
    0337 0009 35 Parallel key 0337000935
    1613 8639 00 Coupling housing 1613863900
    2989 0158 00 Service stage 2989015800
    2901 0502 00 Shaft seal kit 2901050200
    2989 0159 00 Service stage 2989015900
    0101 1951 40 Pin 0101195140
    0147 1365 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136503
    0504 0200 13 Bearing 0504020013
    1613 8167 00 Retainer 1613816700
    0147 1326 03 Hexagon bolt 0147132603
    0663 2103 22 O-ring 0663210322
    0337 0009 35 Parallel key 0337000935
    1616 4928 00 Washer 1616492800
    0147 1409 03 Hexagon bolt 0147140903
    1613 8181 00 Nozzle 1613818100
    0663 2109 30 O-ring 0663210930
    0147 1322 03 Hexagon bolt 0147132203
    1613 8166 00 Bushing 1613816600
    0335 2169 00 Int.circlip 0335216900
    0508 1100 50 Roller bearing 0508110050
    2904 0061 00 Lipseal kit 2904006100
    1613 8447 00 GA30(W)-13bar(e) 1613844700
    1613 8538 00 GA37(W)-100psi,GA45(W)-150psi

    GA45(W)-150psi 1613853800

    1613 8443 00 GA45(W)-7.5bar(e) 1613844300
    1613 8536 00 GA37(W)-7.5bar(e), 1613853600
    1613 8543 00 GA45(W)-100psi

    GA30(W)-8bar(e),GA45(W)-175psi 1613854300

    1613 8545 00 GA30(W)-100psi,SCD300JC-7.5 1613854500
    1613 8557 00 GA37(W)-8bar(e),SCD450JC-7.5 1613855700
    1613 8667 00 GA30(W)-150psi 1613866700
    1613 8546 00 GA45(W)-13bar(e), GA45(W)-

    125psi, GA55C(W)-175psi 1613854600

    1613 8445 00 GA37(W)-13bar(e) 1613844500
    1613 8174 00 GA37(W)-10bar(e),SCD370-10 1613817400
    1613 8671 00 GA45(W)-8bar(e), 1613867100
    1613 8862 00 GA37(W)-125psi 1613886200
    1613 8858 00 GA30(W)-175psi 1613885800
    1613 8169 00 GA30(W)-10bar(e), 1613816900
    1613 8259 00 SCD370JC-7.5 ELII 200V 60Hz 1613825900
    1613 8980 00 GA55C(W)-7.5bar(e) 1613898000
    1613 8982 00 GA55C(W)-10bar(e) 1613898200
    1613 8984 00 GA55C(W)-100psi 1613898400
    1613 8986 00 GA55C(W)-125psi 1613898600
    1613 8988 00 GA55C(W)-150psi 1613898800
    1613 8860 00 GA30(W)-125psi,GA30(W)-175psi 1613886000
    1613 8864 00 GA45(W)-10bar(e) 1613886400
    1613 8448 00 GA30(W)-13bar(e) 1613844800
    1613 8539 00 GA37(W)-100psi, 1613853900
    1613 8444 00 GA45(W)-7.5bar(e) 1613844400
    1613 8537 00 GA37(W)-7.5bar(e), 1613853700
    1613 8542 00 GA30(W)-8bar(e),GA45(W)- 1613854200
    1613 8544 00 GA30(W)-100psi,SCD300JC-7.5 1613854400
    1613 8556 00 GA37(W)-8bar(e),SCD450JC-7.5 1613855600
    1613 8668 00 GA30(W)-150psi 1613866800
    1613 8547 00 GA45(W)-13bar(e),GA45(W)- 1613854700
    1613 8446 00 GA37(W)-13bar(e) 1613844600
    1613 8180 00 GA37(W)-10bar(e),SCD370-10 1613818000
    1613 8672 00 GA45(W)-8bar(e),

    GA55C(W)-13bar(e) 1613867200

    1613 8863 00 GA37(W)-125psi 1613886300
    1613 8859 00 GA30(W)-175psi 1613885900
    1613 8175 00 GA30(W)-10bar(e), 1613817500
    1613 8981 00

    GA55C(W)-7.5bar(e) 1613898100

    1613 8983 00 GA55C(W)-10bar(e) 1613898300
    1613 8985 00 GA55C(W)-100psi 1613898500
    1613 8987 00 GA55C(W)-125psi 1613898700
    1613 8989 00 GA55C(W)-150psi 1613898900
    1613 8861 00 GA30(W)-125psi,GA30(W)-175psi 1613886100
    1613 8865 00 GA45(W)-10bar(e) 1613886500
    1613 8260 00 SCD370JC-7.5ELII200V60Hz 1613826000
    1092 0900 11 SCD300C 200-220V/50-60Hz 1092090011
    1092 0900 05 GA30(W) 230-460V/60Hz 1092090005
    1080 4155 02 GA30(W) 230V/50Hz 1080415502
    1092 0900 06 GA30(W) 380V/60Hz 1092090006
    1092 0900 03 GA30(W) 400V/50Hz 1092090003
    1092 0901 03 GA30(W) 400V/60Hz 1092090103
    1080 4155 04 GA30(W) 500V/60Hz 1080415504
    1080 4155 07 GA30(W) 575V/60Hz 1080415507
    1080 4156 08 GA37(W) 200V/60Hz 1080415608
    1092 0901 05 GA37(W) 230-460V/60Hz 1092090105
    1080 4156 02 GA37(W) 230V/50Hz 1080415602
    1092 0901 06 GA37(W) 380V/60Hz 1092090106
    1080 4156 04 GA37(W) 500V/60Hz 1080415604
    1080 4156 07 GA37(W) 575V/60Hz 1080415607
    1092 0903 01 GA45(W) 200-230V/50-

    60Hz,SCD450 200-220V/50-60Hz 1092090301

    1080 4157 08 GA45(W) 200V/60Hz 1080415708
    1092 0902 05 GA45(W) 230-460V/60Hz 1092090205
    1080 4157 02 GA45(W) 230V/50Hz 1080415702
    1092 0902 06 GA45(W) 380V/60Hz 1092090206
    1092 0902 03 GA45(W) 400V/50Hz 1092090203
    1092 0901 03 GA45(W) 400V/60Hz 1092090103
    1080 4157 04 GA45(W) 500V/60Hz 1080415704
    1080 4157 07 GA45(W) 575V/60Hz 1080415707
    1092 0994 62 GA55C(W) 230-460V/60Hz 1092099462
    1092 0903 28 GA55C(W) 380V/60Hz 1092090328
    1092 0903 03 GA55C(W) 400V/50Hz 1092090303
    1092 0901 01 SCD370JC-7.5 ELII 200V 60Hz 1092090101
    1613 9827 00 GA30(W)-10bar(e), GA30(W)- 1613982700
    1613 9827 00 GA37(W), GA45(W) 1613982700
    1613 9845 00 GA55C(W) 1613984500
    0337 6068 00 Parallel key 0337606800
    1613 9823 00 GA30(W), GA37(W), GA45(W) 1613982300
    1613 9585 00 GA55C(W) 1613958500
    1613 9825 01 GA30(W)-bar(e), GA37(W)- 1613982501
    1613 9825 02 GA30(W)-psi, GA37(W)-psi, 1613982502
    1613 9680 02 GA55C(W)-bar(e) 1613968002
    1613 9680 01 GA55C(W)-psi 1613968001
    1613 8163 00 GA30(W)-10bar(e), GA30(W)- 1613816300
    1613 8234 00 GA37(W)-psi, GA45(W)-psi 1613823400
    1613 8979 00 GA55C(W)-bar(e) 1613897900
    1613 9970 00 GA55C(W)-psi 1613997000
    1619 6032 00 GA30(W)-7.5bar(e) 1619603200
    1619 6032 00 GA30(W)-10bar(e), GA30(W)- 1619603200
    0686 3716 01 Hexagon plug 0686371601
    0661 1000 38 Seal washer 0661100038
    0147 1477 03 GA30(W)bar(e),GA37(W)- 0147147703
    0147 1549 03 GA30(W)-psi, GA37(W)-psi, 0147154903
    0147 1477 03 GA55C(W)-bar(e) 0147147703
    0147 1549 03 GA55C(W)-psi 0147154903
    1092 0900 53 GA30(W)  400V 50Hz IP55 1092090053
    1092 0900 55 GA30(W)  230-460V 60Hz IP55 1092090055
    1092 0900 56 GA30(W)  380V 60Hz IP55 1092090056
    1092 0901 53 GA37(W)  400V 50Hz IP55 1092090153
    1092 0901 55 GA37(W)  230-460V 60Hz IP55 1092090155
    1092 0901 56 GA37(W)  380V 60Hz IP55 1092090156
    1092 0902 53 GA45(W)  400V 50Hz IP55 1092090253
    1092 0902 55 GA45(W)  230-460V 60Hz IP55 1092090255
    1092 0902 56 GA45(W)  380V 60Hz IP55 1092090256
    1092 0903 53 GA55(W)  400V 50Hz IP55 1092090353
    1092 0903 55 GA55(W)  230-460V 60Hz IP55 1092090355
    1092 0903 58 GA55(W)  380V 60Hz IP55 1092090358
    0686 3716 02 Hexagon plug 0686371602
    0661 1000 39 Seal washer 0661100039
    1613 9915 00 Hose assembly 1613991500
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0211 1401 03 Cap screw 0211140103
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0211 1363 03 Cap screw 0211136303
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8369 00 Pipe 1613836900
    0663 7138 00 O-ring 0663713800
    0147 1362 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136203
    1613 8377 81 Joint set 1613837781
    1613 8377 00 Joint 1613837700
    1613 8375 00 Pipe 1613837500
    0147 1960 44 Hexagon bolt 0147196044
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    1613 8370 00 Pipe 1613837000
    0663 7134 00 O-ring 0663713400
    0147 1362 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136203
    0147 1962 69 Hexagon bolt 0147196269
    1613 0807 00 Bracket 1613080700
    1613 8451 01 Antivibration pad 1613845101
    1613 8452 00 Washer 1613845200
    0291 1111 00 Lock nut 0291111100
    0663 7134 00 O-ring 0663713400
    0211 1363 03 Cap screw 0211136303
    0653 1100 00 Flat gasket 0653110000
    1079 5840 03 Nipple 1079584003
    0574 9914 01 Hose assembly 0574991401
    1079 5840 03 Nipple 1079584003
    0653 1100 00 Flat gasket 0653110000
    1079 5840 20 Nipple 1079584020
    0653 1100 00 Flat gasket 0653110000
    0574 9911 15 Hose assembly 0574991115
    1079 5840 03 Nipple 1079584003
    0653 1100 00 Flat gasket 0653110000
    0581 1200 23 Elbow coupling 0581120023
    0070 6002 05 Plastic tube 0070600205
    0581 1200 23 Elbow coupling 0581120023
    1613 6949 00 Adapter 1613694900
    0686 3716 01 Hexagon plug 0686371601
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    0663 7150 00 O-ring 0663715000
    0147 1363 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136303
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1619 5819 00 Sintered disk 1619581900
    1613 7912 01 Indicator 1613791201
    0347 6115 00 Hose clip 0347611500
    1613 6752 13 Antivibr.pad 1613675213
    0147 1400 03 Hexagon bolt 0147140003
    0301 2358 00 Washer 0301235800
    1613 6752 12 Antivibr.pad 1613675212
    0147 1400 03 Hexagon bolt 0147140003
    0301 2358 00 Washer 0301235800
    0147 1479 03 Hexagon bolt 0147147903
    0301 2378 00 Washer 0301237800
    0686 3716 02 Hexagon plug 0686371602
    0661 1000 39 Seal washer 0661100039
    1613 9915 00 Hose assembly 1613991500
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0211 1401 03 Cap screw 0211140103
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0211 1363 03 Cap screw 0211136303
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8594 00 Pipe 1613859400
    0663 7138 00 O-ring 0663713800
    0147 1362 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136203
    1613 8377 81 Joint set 1613837781
    1613 8377 00 Joint 1613837700
    1613 8375 00 Pipe 1613837500
    0147 1960 44 Hexagon bolt 0147196044
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    1613 8595 00 Pipe 1613859500
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0147 1362 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136203
    0147 1962 69 Hexagon bolt 0147196269
    1613 0807 00 Bracket 1613080700
    1613 8451 01 Antivibration pad 1613845101
    1613 8452 00 Washer 1613845200
    0291 1111 00 Lock nut 0291111100
    1613 9923 00 Pipe 1613992300
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0211 1363 03 Cap screw 0211136303
    0653 1100 00 Flat gasket 0653110000
    1079 5840 03 Nipple 1079584003
    0574 9914 01 Hose assembly 0574991401
    1079 5840 03 Nipple 1079584003
    0653 1100 00 Flat gasket 0653110000
    1079 5840 20 Nipple 1079584020
    0653 1100 00 Flat gasket 0653110000
    0574 9911 15 Hose assembly 0574991115
    1079 5840 03 Nipple 1079584003
    0653 1100 00 Flat gasket 0653110000
    0581 1200 23 Elbow coupling 0581120023
    0070 6002 05 Plastic tube 0070600205
    0581 1200 23 Elbow coupling 0581120023
    1613 6949 00 Adaptor 1613694900
    0686 3716 01 Hexagon plug 0686371601
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    0663 7150 00 O-ring 0663715000
    0147 1363 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136303
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1619 5819 00 Sintered disk 1619581900
    1613 7912 01 Indicator 1613791201
    0347 6115 00 Hose clip 0347611500
    1613 6752 13 Antivibr.pad 1613675213
    0147 1400 03 Hexagon bolt 0147140003
    0301 2358 00 Washer 0301235800
    1613 6752 12 Antivibr.pad 1613675212
    0147 1400 03 Hexagon bolt 0147140003
    0301 2358 00 Washer 0301235800
    0147 1479 03 Hexagon bolt 0147147903
    0301 2378 00 Washer 0301237800
    2901 0465 00 Load / Unload control 2901046500
    2901 0466 00 Modulating Control 2901046600
    1079 9903 83 Warning label 1079990383
    9820 2604 00 Instr.disass’y 9820260400
    0500 4510 33 Plain bearing 0500451033
    1613 6818 01 Load / Unload control 1613681801
    1613 7448 81 Modulating Control 1613744881
    1613 8068 01 Spring 1613806801
    1613 8146 01 Piston rod 1613814601
    1613 6813 00 Plug 1613681300
    1613 6796 00 Valve seat 1613679600
    1613 6783 00 Piston 1613678300
    1513 0011 00 Spring 1513001100
    1613 6794 00 Cover 1613679400
    0663 7132 00 O-ring 0663713200
    0335 2136 00 Circlip 0335213600
    0663 7144 00 O-ring 0663714400
    0653 0500 02 Gasket 0653050002
    0261 1090 67 Nut 0261109067
    0211 1328 03 Cap screw 0211132803
    0686 4210 00 Load / Unload control 0686421000
    1613 8148 00 Modulating Control 1613814800
    0661 1000 46 Seal washer 0661100046
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    1613 9660 00 Cover 1613966000
    1613 8145 00 Piston 1613814500
    1613 6816 00 Lipseal 1613681600
    0211 1963 92 Screw 0211196392
    1613 6817 01 Spring 1613681701
    1613 6964 00 Modulating Control 1613696400
    0663 7110 00 O-ring 0663711000
    1202 9747 00 Cover 1202974700
    1613 3220 01 Piston 1613322001
    0335 3111 00 Retaining ring 0335311100
    1614 4662 00 Piston ring 1614466200
    0663 3133 00 O-ring 0663313300
    1612 4048 00 Compr.spring 1612404800
    1613 3221 00 Piston valve 1613322100
    1613 3223 01 Washer 1613322301
    1613 3222 00 Washer 1613322200
    0147 1244 03 Hexagon bolt 0147124403
    1612 4049 00 Compr.spring 1612404900
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0147 1362 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136203
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0603 4105 03 Hexagon nipple 0603410503
    1613 8430 00 Antivibration pad 1613843000
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    0291 1110 00 Lock nut 0291111000
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    0333 3227 00 Lock washer 0333322700
    1613 8967 02 Cable 1613896702
    0832 1000 78 GA30(W)-7,5bar(e), GA30(W)- 0832100078
    0832 1000 78 GA37(W)-7.5bar(e), GA37(W)- 0832100078
    0832 1000 78 GA45(W)-7,5bar(e), GA45(W)- 0832100078
    0832 1000 79 GA30(W)-13bar(e), GA37(W)- 0832100079
    0832 1000 79 GA55C(W)-bar(e) 0832100079
    0830 1008 39 GA30(W)-100psi, GA37(W)- 0830100839
    0830 1008 39 GA30(W)-125psi, GA37(W)- 0830100839
    0830 1008 40 GA30(W)-150psi, 0830100840
    0830 1008 40 GA37(W)-150psi, 0830100840
    0830 1008 40 GA45(W)-150psi, 0830100840
    0830 1008 40 GA55C(W)-psi 0830100840
    0564 0000 72 Tee 0564000072
    1622 0495 99 Vessel ass’y ga 1622049599
    1613 8460 00 Pipe 1613846000
    0580 0402 00 Pipe coupling 0580040200
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    1613 8103 00 Bushing 1613810300
    1613 8399 00 Shield 1613839900
    1613 8397 01 Oil separator element 1613839701
    1616 5108 00 Level gauge 1616510800
    1619 5509 00 Nipple 1619550900
    0661 1000 43 Seal washer 0661100043
    1092 0801 01 Valve housing 1092080101
    0147 1958 86 Hexagon bolt 0147195886
    0663 7168 00 O-ring 0663716800
    1622 0003 00 Dataplate 1622000300
    0244 4184 00 Drive screw 0244418400
    1092 0800 00 Welded Vessel 1092080000
    1613 9665 00 Casted Vessel 1613966500
    1202 8992 00 Plug 1202899200
    0663 2102 15 O-ring 0663210215
    0686 3716 02 Hexagon plug 0686371602
    0661 1000 39 Seal washer 0661100039
    1622 0001 00 Plug 1622000100
    0663 2111 18 O-ring 0663211118
    0147 1246 03 Hexagon bolt 0147124603
    0301 2321 00 Washer 0301232100
    0574 9911 05 Hose assembly 0574991105
    1614 4184 01 Nozzle 1614418401
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    1619 5205 00 Nipple 1619520500
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    0574 9911 01 Hose assembly 0574991101
    1619 3770 00 Nipple 1619377000
    1613 6105 00 Oil filter 1613610500
    1079 9909 57 Label 1079990957
    1613 9955 00 Oil containing frame 1613995500
    0574 9918 02 Hose assembly 0574991802
    1619 5509 00 Nipple 1619550900
    0661 1000 43 Seal washer 0661100043
    1613 6883 03 Valve housing 1613688303
    0147 1360 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136003
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1619 5509 00 Nipple 1619550900
    0661 1000 43 Seal washer 0661100043
    0574 9910 06 Hose assembly 0574991006
    1619 5509 00 Nipple 1619550900
    0661 1000 43 Seal washer 0661100043
    1614 6118 00 Flange 1614611800
    0663 2101 95 O-ring 0663210195
    1614 4184 01 Nozzle 1614418401
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    1619 5205 00 Nipple 1619520500
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    0574 9911 01 Hose assembly 0574991101
    1619 3770 00 Nipple 1619377000
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    1613 7000 05 Flange 1613700005
    0301 2378 00 Washer 0301237800
    0147 1401 03 Hexagon bolt 0147140103
    1619 5509 00 Nipple 1619550900
    0661 1000 43 Seal washer 0661100043
    1613 6105 00 Oil filter 1613610500
    1079 9909 57 Label 1079990957
    1613 9955 00 Oil containing frame 1613995500
    0574 9918 02 Hose assembly 0574991802
    1619 5509 00 Nipple 1619550900
    0661 1000 43 Seal washer 0661100043
    1613 6883 03 Valve housing 1613688303
    0147 1360 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136003
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1619 5509 00 Nipple 1619550900
    0661 1000 43 Seal washer 0661100043
    0574 9911 03 Hose assembly 0574991103
    1619 5509 00 Nipple 1619550900
    0661 1000 43 Seal washer 0661100043
    1614 6118 00 Flange 1614611800
    0663 2101 95 O-ring 0663210195
    0147 1246 03 Hexagon bolt 0147124603
    0301 2321 00 Washer 0301232100
    0574 9911 05 Hose assembly 0574991105
    1613 9886 00 GA30 1613988600
    1613 9887 00 GA37 1613988700
    1613 9885 00 GA45, GA55C 1613988500
    0147 1962 72 GA30 0147196272
    0147 1962 72 GA37 0147196272
    0147 1962 72 GA45, GA55C 0147196272
    1613 8366 00 GA30 1613836600
    1613 8365 00 GA37 1613836500
    1613 8364 00 GA45, GA55C 1613836400
    1613 9912 02 GA30 1613991202
    1613 9912 01 GA37 1613991201
    1613 9912 01 GA45, GA55C 1613991201
    0147 1488 03 GA30 0147148803
    0147 1484 03 GA37 0147148403
    0147 1484 03 GA45, GA55C 0147148403
    0301 2378 00 Washer 0301237800
    0147 1322 03 GA30 0147132203
    0147 1322 03 GA37 0147132203
    0147 1322 03 GA45, GA55C 0147132203
    0301 2335 00 GA30 0301233500
    0301 2335 00 GA37 0301233500
    0301 2335 00 GA45, GA55C 0301233500
    0574 9911 03 GA30 0574991103
    0574 9911 03 GA37 0574991103
    0574 9911 06 GA45, GA55C 0574991106
    1613 9888 00 Baffle 1613988800
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1613 9891 80 Baffle assembly 1613989180
    1613 9891 00 Baffle 1613989100
    1619 3843 00 Seal 1619384300
    1079 9901 18 Warning label 1079990118
    1613 8366 00 GA30 1613836600
    1613 8365 00 GA37 1613836500
    1613 8364 00 GA45, GA55C 1613836400
    0661 1038 00 Sealing washer 0661103800
    1619 5509 00 Nipple 1619550900
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    0686 3716 01 Hexagon plug 0686371601
    1613 8532 01 230V/400V-50Hz 1613853201
    1613 8491 01 230V/380-460V/50-60Hz 1613849101
    1613 8532 10 220-230/440-460V/60Hz-CSA/UL 1613853210
    1613 8532 12 SCD300-370-450 ELII 200V 60Hz 1613853212
    1613 8532 06 SCD300-370-450 200V 50Hz 1613853206
    1613 9912 04 Spacer 1613991204
    0574 9911 03 Hose assembly 0574991103
    1613 8496 00 Support 1613849600
    0298 1000 25 Blind rivet nut 0298100025
    1613 9889 00 Baffle 1613988900
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1613 8750 88 Oilcooler std 1613875088
    0661 1033 00 Sealing washer 0661103300
    0686 3716 02 Hexagon plug 0686371602
    9820 0857 00 plat 9820085700
    1614 6257 00 Ring 1614625700
    1614 6259 00 Rib joint 1614625900
    1614 6258 00 Division rib 1614625800
    1614 6256 00 O-ring 1614625600
    1613 8742 00 Tubestack 1613874200
    1614 6250 00 Return box 1614625000
    1614 6249 00 Water box 1614624900
    1613 6200 00 Cylinder 1613620000
    1613 7022 88 Aftercooler std 1613702288
    9820 0857 00 plat 9820085700
    1614 6257 00 Ring 1614625700
    1614 6259 00 Rib joint 1614625900
    1614 6258 00 Division rib 1614625800
    1614 6256 00 O-ring 1614625600
    1613 7023 00 Tubestack 1613702300
    1614 6250 00 Return box 1614625000
    1614 6249 00 Water box 1614624900
    1613 7024 00 Cylinder 1613702400
    1613 6991 00 Pipe 1613699100
    0663 7135 00 O-ring 0663713500
    0147 1401 03 Hexagon bolt 0147140103
    0301 2358 00 Washer 0301235800
    1613 8592 00 Pipe 1613859200
    0663 7135 00 O-ring 0663713500
    0147 1401 03 Hexagon bolt 0147140103
    0301 2358 00 Washer 0301235800
    1613 8593 00 Pipe 1613859300
    0663 7135 00 O-ring 0663713500
    0147 1401 03 Hexagon bolt 0147140103
    0301 2358 00 Washer 0301235800
    0686 3716 01 Elektronikon I 0686371601
    0661 1000 38 Elektronikon I 0661100038
    0686 3716 30 Hexagon plug 0686371630
    0661 1000 40 Seal washer 0661100040
    8092 2428 77 Water shutt off – 50Hz 8092242877
    8092 2428 85 Water shutt off – 60Hz 8092242885
    1089 0624 01 50Hz 1089062401
    1089 0624 03 60Hz 1089062403
    1091 6364 23 Barrier 1091636423
    1091 6364 62 Terminal 1091636462
    1091 6371 07 Contact block 1 1091637107
    1613 9916 00 Hose assembly 1613991600
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0147 1367 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136703
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0291 1128 20 Lock nut 0291112820
    1613 9919 00 Pipe 1613991900
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1613 8392 80 Baffle assembly 1613839280
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1089 0575 51 Press.transducer 1089057551
    1088 1305 02 Push mount 1088130502
    1088 1301 01 Cable strip 1088130101
    0395 6001 59 self-adhesive 0395600159
    1613 9925 00 Pipe 1613992500
    1613 8377 81 Joint set 1613837781
    1613 8377 00 Joint 1613837700
    0147 1960 44 Hexagon bolt 0147196044
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    0147 1379 03 Hexagon bolt 0147137903
    1613 8451 02 Antivibration pad 1613845102
    1613 8452 00 Washer 1613845200
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0291 1111 00 Lock nut 0291111100
    0147 1360 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136003
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 9356 80 WSD80 1613935680
    1613 9916 00 Hose assembly 1613991600
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0147 1363 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136303
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8374 00 Pipe 1613837400
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0147 1363 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136303
    1613 9906 00 Bracket 1613990600
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    0147 1360 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136003
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8392 80 Baffle assembly 1613839280
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1089 0575 51 Press.transducer 1089057551
    0070 6002 05 Plastic tube 0070600205
    0581 0000 35 Coupling 0581000035
    0661 1000 38 Seal washer 0661100038
    0581 0000 55 Pipe coupling 0581000055
    0070 6002 04 Plastic tube 0070600204
    0581 0000 34 Coupling 0581000034
    0661 1000 38 Seal washer 0661100038
    1091 6008 00 Nipple 1091600800
    0653 1046 00 Flat gasket 0653104600
    1614 9941 00 Ball Valve 1/4 1614994100
    1088 1305 02 Push mount 1088130502
    1088 1301 01 Cable strip 1088130101
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1613 9356 80 WSD80 1613935680
    1613 9924 00 Pipe 1613992400
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0147 1363 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136303
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8377 81 Joint set 1613837781
    1613 8377 00 Joint 1613837700
    0147 1960 44 Hexagon bolt 0147196044
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    0147 1379 03 Hexagon bolt 0147137903
    1613 8451 02 Antivibration pad 1613845102
    1613 8452 00 Washer 1613845200
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0291 1111 00 Lock nut 0291111100
    1613 8374 00 Pipe 1613837400
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0147 1363 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136303
    1613 9906 00 Bracket 1613990600
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    0147 1360 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136003
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8392 80 Baffle assembly 1613839280
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1089 0575 51 Press.transducer 1089057551
    0070 6002 05 Plastic tube 0070600205
    0581 0000 35 Coupling 0581000035
    0661 1000 38 Seal washer 0661100038
    0581 0000 55 Pipe coupling 0581000055
    0070 6002 04 Plastic tube 0070600204
    0581 0000 34 Coupling 0581000034
    0661 1000 38 Seal washer 0661100038
    1091 6008 00 Nipple 1091600800
    0653 1046 00 Flat gasket 0653104600
    1614 9941 00 Ball Valve 1/4 1614994100
    1088 1305 02 Push mount 1088130502
    1088 1301 01 Cable strip 1088130101
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1617 1998 87 GA30(W) – 460V/60Hz – CSA/UL 1617199887
    1617 1998 87 GA37(W) – 460V/60Hz – CSA/UL 1617199887
    1617 1998 92 GA45(W) 460V/60Hz – CSA/UL 1617199892
    1617 1998 92 GA55(W) 460V/60Hz – CSA/UL 1617199892
    1089 9437 13 GA45(W) ID150 1089943713
    1089 9437 13 GA55C(W) ID155 1089943713
    1089 9168 61 460V/60Hz 1089916861
    1079 9922 30 460V/60Hz 1079992230
    1613 9918 00 Pipe 1613991800
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0147 1364 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136403
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8377 81 Joint set 1613837781
    1613 8377 00 Joint 1613837700
    0147 1960 44 Hexagon bolt 0147196044
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    1613 8375 00 Pipe 1613837500
    0147 1962 69 Hexagon bolt 0147196269
    1613 8451 02 Antivibration pad 1613845102
    1613 8452 00 Washer 1613845200
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0291 1111 00 Lock nut 0291111100
    1613 9893 00 Duct 1613989300
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    0581 0000 55 Pipe coupling 0581000055
    1091 6008 00 Nipple 1091600800
    0653 1046 00 Flat gasket 0653104600
    1614 9941 00 Ball Valve 1/4 1614994100
    1088 1301 01 Cable strip 1088130101
    1613 8729 00 Silencing foam 1613872900
    1617 2120 00 Connector 1617212000
    0663 2104 75 O-ring 0663210475
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    0147 1326 03 Hexagon bolt 0147132603
    8092 2431 07 ID90 230V/50Hz 8092243107
    8092 2431 15 ID90 200V/50Hz 8092243115
    8092 2431 23 ID90 230V/60Hz (- CSA/UL) 8092243123
    8092 2431 31 ID110 230V/50Hz 8092243131
    8092 2431 49 ID110 200V/50Hz 8092243149
    8092 2431 56 ID110 230V/60Hz (- CSA/UL) 8092243156
    8092 2430 72 ID150 230V/50Hz 8092243072
    8092 2430 81 ID150 200V/50Hz 8092243081
    8092 2430 99 ID150 230V/60Hz (- CSA/UL) 8092243099
    1617 1524 02 Hot gas bypass 1617152402
    1617 1765 00 Liq. separator 1617176500
    1619 5563 02 Valve 1619556302
    1619 5563 02 Valve 1619556302
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    0661 1020 00 Sealing washer 0661102000
    0581 0000 35 Drain connection 0581000035
    0070 6002 05 Hose 0070600205
    0070 6002 05 Hose 0070600205
    1088 0801 40 Grommet 1088080140
    1617 1694 00 Frame 1617169400
    1617 1703 00 Support right 1617170300
    1617 1704 00 Support left 1617170400
    1617 1705 00 Plate 1617170500
    1617 1828 81 ID90 1617182881
    1617 1828 82 ID110 1617182882
    1617 1828 83 ID150 1617182883
    1617 1700 00 ID90, ID110 1617170000
    1617 1838 00 ID150 1617183800
    1617 1322 03 ID90, ID110 1617132203
    1617 1322 04 ID150 1617132204
    1617 1696 00 ID90 230V/50Hz 1617169600
    1617 1695 00 ID110 1617169500
    1617 1945 00 ID150 1617194500
    1617 2000 00 ID90, ID110 1617200000
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    1089 0574 03 Temp. sensor 1089057403
    0348 0101 13 Cable tie 0348010113
    1089 0575 11 ID90 230V/50Hz 1089057511
    1089 0575 41 ID110, ID150 1089057541
    0348 0101 13 Cable tie 0348010113
    1617 0745 00 Data plate 1617074500
    0129 3103 00 Blind rivet 0129310300
    1603 1698 80 Box ass’y

    ID90 230V/50Hz 1603169880

    1603 1698 81 ID110 1603169881
    1603 1698 82 ID150 1603169882
    1617 1698 00 Box heat exchanger 1617169800
    1617 1873 00 Insulation bottom

    ID90 230V/50Hz 1617187300

    1617 1710 00 ID110 1617171000
    1617 1709 00 ID110 1617170900
    1617 1957 00 ID150 1617195700
    1617 1839 00 1 Filling block 16171839001
    1617 1494 08 Refrigerant compressor

    ID90 230V/50Hz 1617149408

    1617 1494 10 ID110 230V/50Hz 1617149410
    1617 1494 13 ID110 200V/50Hz 1617149413
    1617 1494 11 ID110 230V/60Hz 1617149411
    1617 1827 01 ID150 230V/50Hz 1617182701
    1617 1827 02 ID150 230V/60Hz

    Capacitor 1617182702

    1617 1549 10 ID90 230V/50Hz,

    ID110 230V/60Hz, 1617154910

    1617 1549 07 ID110 230V/50Hz,

    ID110 200V/50Hz 1617154907

    1617 1549 12 ID150 230V/60Hz

    Run capacitor 1617154912

    1617 1874 02 ID90 230V/50Hz 1617187402
    1617 1874 03 ID110 230V/50Hz,

    ID110 200V/50Hz, 1617187403

    1617 1874 04 ID150 230V/50Hz

    Start relay 1617187404

    1617 1551 19 ID90 230V/50Hz 1617155119
    1617 1551 21 ID110 230V/50Hz 1617155121
    1617 1551 22 ID110 200V/50Hz 1617155122
    1617 1551 20 ID110 230V/60Hz 1617155120
    1617 1551 23 ID150 230V/50Hz 1617155123
    1617 1551 24 ID150 230V/60Hz 1617155124
    1617 1530 80 Anti-vibration set 1617153080
    1617 1550 21 Overlaod protector

    ID90 230V/50Hz 1617155021

    1617 1550 23 ID110 230V/50Hz,

    ID110 200V/50Hz 1617155023

    1617 1550 22 ID110 230V/60Hz

    Electrical box 1617155022

    1617 1248 00 ID90, ID110 1617124800
    1617 2028 00 ID150 1617202800
    1617 1987 80 Fan ass’y

    ID90 230V/50Hz, ID110 1617198780

    1617 2015 80 ID110 200V/50Hz 1617201580
    1617 1989 00 Grating 1617198900
    1617 1994 00 Fan 1617199400
    1619 5703 00 ID90 1619570300
    1089 9214 40 ID110, ID150 1089921440
    1089 9214 35 Fan pressure switch 1089921435
    1088 1001 01 Warning mark 1088100101
    8092 2445 76 Schräderventiel 8092244576
    8092 2445 84 ID155 230V/60Hz 8092244584
    8092 2445 84 ID155 230V/60Hz 8092244584
    1617 1765 00 Liq. separator 1617176500
    1619 5563 02 Valve 1619556302
    1619 5563 02 Valve 1619556302
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    0661 1020 00 Sealing washer 0661102000
    0581 0000 35 Drain connection 0581000035
    0070 6002 05 Hose 0070600205
    0581 0000 34 Drain connection 0581000034
    0070 6002 05 Hose 0070600205
    1088 0801 40 Grommet 1088080140
    1617 1694 00 Frame 1617169400
    1617 1703 00 Support right 1617170300
    1617 1704 00 Support left 1617170400
    1617 1705 00 Plate 1617170500
    1617 1828 83 Heat exchanger 1617182883
    1617 2363 00 Waterseparator 1617236300
    1617 1322 04 Filter-dryer 1617132204
    1617 1322 04 Filter-dryer 1617132204
    1617 1945 00 Heat exchanger 1617194500
    1617 2093 00 Waterseparator 1617209300
    0663 6147 00 O-ring 0663614700
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    1089 0574 03 Temp. sensor 1089057403
    0348 0101 13 Cable tie 0348010113
    1089 0575 11 ID90 230V/50Hz 1089057511
    1089 0575 41 ID110, ID150 1089057541
    0348 0101 13 Cable tie 0348010113
    1617 0745 00 Data plate 1617074500
    0129 3103 00 Blind rivet 0129310300
    1603 1698 82 Box ass’y 1603169882
    1617 1698 00 Box heat exchanger 1617169800
    1617 1958 00 Insulation bottom 1617195800
    1617 1957 00 ID155 230V/60Hz 1617195700
    1617 1839 00 Capacitor 1617183900
    1617 1827 01 ID155 230V/50Hz 1617182701
    1617 1827 02 ID155 230V/60Hz 1617182702
    1617 1549 10 ID155 230V/50Hz, 1617154910
    1617 1549 12 ID155 230V/60Hz 1617154912
    1617 1874 03 ID155 230V/50Hz, 1617187403
    1617 1874 04 ID155 230V/50Hz 1617187404
    1617 1551 23 ID155 230V/50Hz 1617155123
    1617 1551 24 ID155 230V/60Hz 1617155124
    1617 1530 80 Anti-vibration set 1617153080
    1617 2028 00 Electrical box 1617202800
    1617 2364 80 Fan ass’y 1617236480
    1617 2365 00 Grating 1617236500
    1089 9214 40 High pressure switch 1089921440
    1089 9214 35 Fan pressure switch 1089921435
    1088 1001 01 Warning mark 1088100101
    2900 1017 00 Drain kit 2900101700
    1089 0575 51 Press.transduce 1089057551
    1613 9356 80 WSD80 1613935680
    1613 8568 00 Connection 1613856800
    0147 1375 03 Hexagon bolt 0147137503
    0852 0010 32 Ball valve 0852001032
    0605 8300 35 Bushing 0605830035
    1619 7336 00 Cock 1619733600
    0581 0000 35 Coupling 0581000035
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    0070 6002 05 Plastic tube 0070600205
    0581 0000 33 Coupling 0581000033
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    0070 6002 04 Plastic tube 0070600204
    1613 8563 00 Pipe 1613856300
    0607 2170 03 Socket 0607217003
    1613 8569 00 Pipe 1613856900
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0147 1364 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136403
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0852 0010 19 Ball valve 0852001019
    1613 9940 00 Pipe 1613994000
    1613 8377 81 Joint set 1613837781
    1613 8377 00 Joint 1613837700
    0147 1960 44 Hexagon bolt 0147196044
    0147 1962 69 Hexagon bolt 0147196269
    0291 1111 00 Lock nut 0291111100
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8375 00 Pipe 1613837500
    1613 8451 02 Antivibration pad 1613845102
    1613 8452 00 Washer 1613845200
    1613 8688 00 Pipe 1613868800
    1613 9918 00 Pipe 1613991800
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0147 1364 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136403
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8377 81 Joint set 1613837781
    1613 8377 00 Joint 1613837700
    0147 1960 44 Hexagon bolt 0147196044
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    0147 1962 69 Hexagon bolt 0147196269
    1613 8451 02 Antivibration pad 1613845102
    1613 8452 00 Washer 1613845200
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0291 1111 00 Lock nut 0291111100
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0211 1363 03 Cap screw 0211136303
    1089 0575 51 Press.transducer 1089057551
    1613 9356 80 WSD80 1613935680
    1613 8568 00 Connection 1613856800
    0147 1375 03 Hexagon bolt 0147137503
    0852 0010 32 Ball valve 0852001032
    0605 8300 35 Bushing 0605830035
    1619 7336 00 Cock 1619733600
    0581 0000 35 Coupling 0581000035
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    0581 0000 33 Coupling 0581000033
    0653 1062 00 Flat gasket 0653106200
    1613 8563 00 Pipe 1613856300
    0607 2170 03 Socket 0607217003
    1613 8569 00 Pipe 1613856900
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0147 1364 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136403
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0852 0010 19 Ball valve 0852001019
    1613 9941 00 Pipe 1613994100
    1613 8377 81 Joint set 1613837781
    1613 8377 00 Joint 1613837700
    0147 1960 44 Hexagon bolt 0147196044
    0147 1962 69 Hexagon bolt 0147196269
    0291 1111 00 Lock nut 0291111100
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8375 00 Pipe 1613837500
    1613 8451 02 Antivibration pad 1613845102
    1613 8452 00 Washer 1613845200
    1613 8688 00 Pipe 1613868800
    1613 9918 00 Pipe 1613991800
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0147 1364 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136403
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 8377 81 Joint set 1613837781
    1613 8377 00 Joint 1613837700
    0147 1960 44 Hexagon bolt 0147196044
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    0147 1962 69 Hexagon bolt 0147196269
    1613 8451 02 Antivibration pad 1613845102
    1613 8452 00 Washer 1613845200
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    0291 1111 00 Lock nut 0291111100
    0663 7136 00 O-ring 0663713600
    0211 1363 03 Cap screw 0211136303
    1089 0621 19 115V/60Hz 1089062119
    1089 0621 14 230V/50Hz 1089062114
    1089 0621 13 230V/60Hz 1089062113
    0663 2104 83 O-ring 0663210483
    1619 7333 00 40°C 1619733300
    1619 7596 00 65°C 1619759600
    1619 7493 00 75°C 1619749300
    1900 0711 01 Elektronikon I 1900071101
    1900 0710 01 Elektronikon II 1900071001
    1900 0712 81 Graphic display version 1900071281
    1613 9979 10 Elektronikon I – IEC 1613997910
    1613 9979 11 Elektronikon I – CSA/UL 1613997911
    1613 9979 02 Elektronikon II – IEC 1613997902
    1613 9979 03 Elektronikon II – CSA/UL 1613997903
    1089 0574 04 Temp.sensor 1089057404
    0147 1327 03 Hexagon bolt 0147132703
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    1613 8579 00 GA30(W), 1613857900
    1613 8580 00 GA37(W)-7.5bar(e) 1613858000
    1613 8580 80 SCD300-370-450 200V 60Hz 1613858080
    0347 6115 00 GA30(W), 0347611500
    1900 0710 41 AIE1 module 1900071041
    1622 0661 01 Cable MKIV 1622066101
    1089 0574 07 Temp.sensor 1089057407
    1622 0662 00 Cable temp.sens 1622066200
    1088 1305 01 Push mount 1088130501
    1088 1301 01 Cable strip 1088130101
    0070 6002 04 Plastic tube 0070600204
    0581 0000 33 Coupling 0581000033
    0070 6002 05 Plastic tube 0070600205
    0697 9750 18 IEC 0697975018
    1088 0257 30 CSA/UL 1088025730
    0697 9809 19 IEC 0697980919
    1088 0301 10 CSA/UL 1088030110
    1613 9799 00 IEC 1613979900
    0697 9910 01 CSA/UL 0697991001
    1613 6532 01 Oil can 1613653201
    1613 9546 00 Oil can 1613954600
    0605 8350 26 NPT 0605835026
    0852 0010 19 Ball valve 0852001019
    0347 6116 00 GA37(W)-7.5bar(e) 0347611600
    1613 7400 81 GA37(W)-7.5bar(e) 1613740081
    1613 7399 00 GA30(W), 1613739900
    1079 9903 82 IEC 1079990382
    1079 9903 83 CSA/UL 1079990383
    1613 5330 00 CSA/UL 1613533000
    0129 3104 00 CSA/UL 0129310400
    1613 7398 80 GA30(W), 1613739880
    1613 7400 00 GA37(W)-7.5bar(e) 1613740000
    1613 7407 00 GA30(W), 1613740700
    1613 7408 00 GA37(W)-7.5bar(e) 1613740800
    1613 7401 00 GA37(W)-7.5bar(e) 1613740100
    1613 7398 00 GA30(W), 1613739800
    1613 9878 00 Frame 1613987800
    1613 9884 00 Beam 1613988400
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1613 9883 00 Support 1613988300
    1088 0801 52 Grommet 1088080152
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1613 9850 80 Roof assembly 1613985080
    0129 3270 30 Blind rivet 0129327030
    1613 9963 00 Corner 1613996300
    0226 0300 46 Tapping screw 0226030046
    0211 1325 03 Cap screw 0211132503
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1613 9996 80 Panel ass’y 1613999680
    1616 2987 00 Plug 1616298700
    1613 9994 81 Panel ass’y wit 1613999481
    1613 8485 00 Lock 1613848500
    0690 1125 01 House mark 0690112501
    1616 2987 00 Plug 1616298700
    1613 9994 80 Panel ass’y 1613999480
    1613 8485 00 Lock 1613848500
    1616 2987 00 Plug 1616298700
    1619 2766 00 Bolt 1619276600
    1619 2766 00 Bolt 1619276600
    0333 3227 00 Lock washer 0333322700
    1613 9613 01 Plate 1613961301
    0226 3343 59 Tapping screw 0226334359
    1503 0786 00 Rotation arrow 1503078600
    1079 9915 99 Label 1079991599
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    0333 3227 00 Lock washer 0333322700
    0266 2110 00 Nut 0266211000
    0129 3103 00 Blind rivet 0129310300
    1089 9068 01 Key 1089906801
    1089 9154 02 Key 1089915402
    1088 1301 02 Cable strip 1088130102
    1613 9881 00 Support 1613988100
    0147 1362 03 Hexagon bolt 0147136203
    0301 2344 00 Washer 0301234400
    1613 9855 80 Panel assembly 1613985580
    1613 9855 00 Panel 1613985500
    1613 9882 00 Hinge 1613988200
    1613 9527 00 Hinge 1613952700
    1613 8560 00 Washer 1613856000
    1613 8550 81 Door assembly 1613855081
    1613 8486 00 Lock 1613848600
    1613 8484 01 Hinge 1613848401
    0129 3270 29 Blind rivet 0129327029
    1613 9942 80 Cubicla assy 1613994280
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1613 9998 80 Door ass’y 1613999880
    0129 3270 29 Blind rivet 0129327029
    1613 9525 00 Hinge 1613952500
    1613 7705 00 Protect. cap 1613770500
    1079 9920 83 Label “website” 1079992083
    1613 9532 00 Pin 1613953200
    1503 2467 00 Seal cord 1503246700
    0147 1205 03 Hexagon bolt 0147120503
    0147 1962 72 Hexagon bolt 0147196272
    1079 9901 09 Label 1079990109
    1088 1001 02 Warning mark 1088100102
    1079 9901 29 Label 1079990129
    1088 1001 01 Warning mark 1088100101
    1613 9027 09 GA30 1613902709
    1613 9027 12 GA30 FF 1613902712
    1613 9027 10 GA37 1613902710
    1613 9027 13 GA37 FF 1613902713
    1613 9027 11 GA45 1613902711
    1613 9027 14 GA45 FF 1613902714
    1613 9027 24 GA55C 1613902724
    1613 9027 23 GA55C FF 1613902723
    1613 9038 14 SCD370 1613903814
    1613 7394 00 50Hz 1613739400
    1614 5933 00 60Hz 1614593300
    1079 9910 56 60Hz 1079991056
    1613 9846 00 Decal “WorkPlace” 1613984600
    8092 2428 93 50Hz 8092242893
    8092 2429 01 60Hz 8092242901
    8092 2429 19 60Hz – CSA/UL 8092242919
    1613 6968 05 Ø 1.4 1613696805
    1613 6968 06 Ø 1.5 1613696806
    1089 0621 01 230V/50Hz 1089062101
    1089 0621 02 120V/60Hz-CSA/UL 1089062102
    1089 0621 03 230V/60Hz 1089062103
    1613 7475 01 CSA/UL 1613747501
    1613 7475 02 IEC 1613747502
    1613 7366 00 Support 1613736600
    0147 1323 03 Hexagon bolt 0147132303
    0301 2335 00 Washer 0301233500
    0266 2110 00 Nut 0266211000
    1615 7264 00 Pressure gauge 1615726400
    0584 9904 00 Sleeve 0584990400
    0070 6002 04 Plastic tube 0070600204
    0581 1200 16 Coupling(elbow) 0581120016
    0560 4400 85 Cross 0560440085
    1503 2564 10 Nipple 1503256410
    1613 6961 00 Regulator 1613696100
    1079 5840 26 Hexagon nipple 1079584026
    0575 0792 25 Hose assembly 0575079225
    1079 5840 26 Hexagon nipple 1079584026
    1613 7367 00 Connection 1613736700
    0581 1200 26 Elbow coupling 0581120026
    0070 6002 05 Plastic tube 0070600205
    0581 2000 27 Pipe coupling 0581200027
    0653 1046 00 Flat gasket 0653104600
    0070 6002 05 Plastic tube 0070600205
    0581 2000 27 Pipe coupling 0581200027
    0653 1046 00 Flat gasket 0653104600
    0070 6002 05 Plastic tube 0070600205
    0581 1200 23 Elbow coupling 0581120023
    1503 2564 01 Nipple 1503256401
    1079 5840 25 Hexagon nipple 1079584025
    0575 0401 18 Hose assembly 0575040118
    1079 5840 25 Hexagon nipple 1079584025
    1900 2060 61 GA30(W) 200V/50Hz 1900206061
    1092 0700 55 GA30(W) 230V/50Hz 1092070055
    1900 2060 68 GA30(W) 380-500V/50Hz, 1900206068
    1900 2060 51 GA30(W) 400V/50Hz 1900206051
    1092 0700 64 GA30(W) 440-460V/60Hz 1092070064
    1900 2060 62 GA37(W) 200V/50Hz 1900206062
    1092 0700 56 GA37(W) 230V/50Hz 1092070056
    1900 2060 52 GA37(W) 400V/50Hz 1900206052
    1092 0700 65 GA37(W) 440-460V/60Hz 1092070065
    1900 2060 63 GA45(W) 200V/50Hz 1900206063
    1092 0700 57 GA45(W) 230V/50Hz 1092070057
    1900 2060 69 GA45(W) 380-500V/50-60Hz 1900206069
    1900 2060 53 GA45(W) 400V/50Hz 1900206053
    1092 0700 66 GA45(W) 440-460V/60Hz 1092070066
    1900 2060 58 GA55C(W) 230V/50Hz 1900206058
    1900 2060 54 GA55C(W) 400V/50Hz 1900206054
    1092 0700 67 GA55C(W) 440-460V/60Hz 1092070067
    1900 2060 70 GA55C(W) 500V/50Hz 1900206070
    1613 8506 20 Plate 1613850620
    1613 6639 00 Data Plate 1613663900
    1079 9906 09 Label 1079990609
    9820 3547 51 Label 9820354751
    1079 9901 68 Label 1079990168
    1091 6364 15 GA30(W) 200V/50Hz 1091636415
    1091 6364 15 GA30(W) 230V/50Hz 1091636415
    1091 6364 05 GA30(W) 380-500V/50Hz, 1091636405
    1091 6364 04 GA30(W) 400V/50Hz 1091636404
    1091 6364 04 GA30(W) 440-460V/60Hz 1091636404
    1089 0506 25 GA37(W) 200V/50Hz 1089050625
    1089 0506 25 GA37(W) 230V/50Hz 1089050625
    1091 6364 05 GA37(W) 400V/50Hz 1091636405
    1091 6364 05 GA37(W) 440-460V/60Hz 1091636405
    1089 0506 26 GA45(W) 200V/50Hz 1089050626
    1089 0506 26 GA45(W) 230V/50Hz 1089050626
    1091 6364 15 GA45(W) 380-500V/50-60Hz 1091636415
    1091 6364 15 GA45(W) 400V/50Hz 1091636415
    1091 6364 05 GA45(W) 440-460V/60Hz 1091636405
    1089 0506 26 GA55C(W) 230V/50Hz 1089050626
    1091 6364 15 GA55C(W) 400V/50Hz 1091636415
    1091 6364 15 GA55C(W) 440-460V/60Hz 1091636415
    1091 6364 15 GA55C(W) 500V/50Hz 1091636415
    1089 0542 10 GA30(W) 200V/50Hz 1089054210
    1089 0542 10 GA30(W) 230V/50Hz 1089054210
    1089 0542 11 GA37(W) 200V/50Hz 1089054211
    1089 0542 11 GA37(W) 230V/50Hz 1089054211
    1089 0542 12 GA45(W) 200V/50Hz 1089054212
    1089 0542 12 GA45(W) 230V/50Hz 1089054212
    1089 0542 10 GA45(W) 380-500V/50-60Hz 1089054210
    1089 0542 10 GA45(W) 400V/50Hz 1089054210
    1089 0542 12 GA55C(W) 230V/50Hz 1089054212
    1089 0542 10 GA55C(W) 400V/50Hz 1089054210
    1089 0542 10 GA55C(W) 440-460V/60Hz 1089054210
    1089 0542 10 GA55C(W) 500V/50Hz 1089054210
    1091 6364 03 GA30(W) 400V/50Hz 1091636403
    1091 6364 27 Terminal 1091636427
    1091 6364 61 GA30(W) 440-460V/60Hz 1091636461



    Contact information

    Export Department Tony Phone: +86 18080158435

    For Genuine Atlas Copco Spare Parts Prices and Availability in China, Please Submit a Quick RFQ, we will answer you soon!


    Learn more about Air Compressors Trade – Chengdu Pudding Mechatronic Co.CPMC distribution network!

    99 thoughts on “Atlas Copco GA30|GA37| GA45| GA55C|GA30W| GA37W| GA45W| GA55C W Stationary Air Compressors Spare Parts

    1. Dan Schwartman says:

      Dear, Good day

      We kindly ask you to send us by email information about the price and
      other conditions for the supply of the material described below:

      Item Description

      04 – UNTS

      1503037780-J ATLAS COPCO

      HS CODE, Delivery Time, Taxes.
      Payment conditions
      Technical information: Datasheet/Drawing
      Send Certificates (if applicable)
      Weight and dimensions estimate

      King regards,

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Thank you Dan for your comments and RFQ leaving on our website, our team will check and quote to you on Monday via email. If you need any other genuine parts for Atlas Copco, Epiroc drilling and mining equipment parts, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Gardner Denver, Doosan, Sullair, etc, feel free to contact with us.

    2. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

      Добрый день просим рассмотреть возможность поставки фильтров на компрессор ZH 7000-6-7(р/комплекты,фильтры, сепаратор, клапана)

    3. Александр Петрович Малухин says:

      Добрый день, жду сообщений по поставке расходников

    4. Кузнецова says:

      Уважаемый Господин или Госпожа
      Может ли ваша компания поставлять детали для центробежных воздушных компрессоров Ingersoll Rand? Для таких моделей, как Centac 400, C700E и т. д., а также запасных частей для безмасляных воздушных компрессоров Atlas Copco. Если да, то как быстро вы можете отправить нам продукцию и насколько надежна ваша продукция, если мы принимаем только оригинальные запасные части?

      • CPMC Air Compressors Guide says:

        Dear Sir or madam, Thank you very much for leaving comment on our website. Our company offer MANY GENUINE ORIGINAL parts for all top brands of air compressors like Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Doosan, Gardner Denver, and yes, we do serve centrifugal air compressors spare parts. You can compare our prices if based on 100% Genuine original parts. Thanks and hope we can communicate in email via English if possible. Kind regards, Team from CPMC, China.

    5. Robert Arano says:

      I would like to request a Parts List Manual for Atlas Copco G55, We are planning to purchase PM parts for our compressor.

      Your immediate response is highly appreciated.


      Robert Arano

      PDEC Co. (Purtlev Dynamics Engineering Company)
      86 Hemedez Coumpound, Brgy. Sala Cabuyao Laguna Philippines
      (049) 560 6264

    6. Kamran Hashim says:

      S No Description Part Number
      1 Cooler Kit 3001531121
      2 O-RING 0663210968
      3 Seal Washer 0661100038
      4 RING INTERNAL 1635051200
      5 PROFILE, 1635051400
      6 SEAL GASKET 1635051500
      7 O RING 1623172600
      8 COOLER AFTER 1635051900
      9 CORE COOLER, AIR 1635051600
      10 CORE COOLER, OIL 1635127300
      11 O RING 0663210612
      12 O RING 0663210968
      Can someone please share prices and availibility.

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