Part No.:2658368086
If you are looking for Epiroc 2658449356 KIT ARCTIC COC LP Repair By China Suppliers, here is the right page. China Compressors Supplier strives to offer ALL Genuine Original air compressors like Ingersoll Rand, Atlas Copco, Sullair, etc., and the related spare parts. If you need, please rest assured to buy! You will get a good experience if you work with us!
China Pudding Mechatronic Co.CPMC company helps you save time and money when purchasing genuine original Atlas Copco Epiroc parts from China. It helps maximize your company’s investment. It not only improves your Machine’s stability and productivity but also helps save energy.
Buyer’s Notice
a) Atlas Copco Epiroc’s regular leading time is about 3–7 weeks when all stocks are ready, BUT it would take up to about 2-3 months per real situation (if some items are not ready stocks or stocks are not enough due to late confirmation, or some items from abroad takes longer time to reach to China Custom due to Facts of GOD such as Quarantine restrictions).
b) Stock status will be timely updated, and Epiroc’s official leading time may be slowed down by worldwide COVID-19 Quarantine restrictions or other real situations, such as war, earthquake, etc. (ie, facts of GOD), only when PO is ready, stock status is to be reconfirmed.
c) Late confirmation does not ensure every of the stock’s availability, and it may result in total package delivery delay.
d) Late booking confirmation may result in a price increase, If the manufacturer increases the prices, we reserve the right to adjust the quotation accordingly.
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